

Aid Overall Health

Zeaxanthin is a carotenoid in the same family as alpha carotene, beta carotene, and cryptoxanthin. However, it is classified as a carotenoid alcohol and has a very specific function in the human body.

It is found naturally in several different plants and vegetables including green peppers, saffron, corn, and others. In those plants and vegetables it is primarily responsible for giving them their bright colors.

As far as the specific function in the human body, zeaxanthin is one of only two carotenoids that the body selectively accumulates in the eyes. The other is lutein. Both substances are vital to maintaining healthy retinas and overall good eye function.

For this reason it has been suggested that ample amounts of zeaxanthin in the diet or supplements may help ward off macular degeneration, cataracts, and other eye related disorders. Zeaxanthin is specifically found in the central macula while lutein accumulates in the peripheral retina.

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Zeaxanthin Supplementation Individuals who maintain a healthy and well balanced diet including fruits and vegetables usually will not find themselves suffering from a zeaxanthin deficiency. However, supplementation may be necessary for individuals with poor diets if eye health is a problem... more

Zeaxanthin Supplementation

Individuals who maintain a healthy and well balanced diet including fruits and vegetables usually will not find themselves suffering from a zeaxanthin deficiency. However, supplementation may be necessary for individuals with poor diets if eye health is a problem for them.

To that end, almost every zeaxanthin supplement on the market is promoted as a product for good eye health and the prevention of age-related eye diseases. It's unlikely that you'll find a standalone zeaxanthin supplement marketed in any other way.

The vast majority of these supplements come in capsule or tablet form and should be taken on a daily basis. Sometimes you find zeaxanthin together with other carotenoids in a combination supplement or a multivitamin.

Regardless, zeaxanthin's only function from the standpoint of dietary supplements is to promote good eye health. You can find zeaxanthin supplements online through dozens of the retailers or at your local pharmacy or health supplements store. In most cases prices are fairly reasonable.

Zeaxanthin Dosage

There is considerable debate within the medical community as to how much zeaxanthin has to be consumed on a daily basis in order for it to be beneficial in preventing macular degeneration. Many typical standalone supplements use a standard dosage of 25 mg daily, while multivitamins tend to contain about 6 mg.

Taken in such small doses many doctors believe it simply isn't enough to have any effect on overall eye health, let alone preventing macular degeneration.  As a result, the UN's Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives released a study in 2004 claiming that up to 145 mg per day was completely safe for the average 160-pound individual.

At such high levels they concluded that zeaxanthin would be at least somewhat effective in promoting good health. The committee noted no adverse side effects when taking zeaxanthin in such high doses. However, they did note that it needed to be combined with equal amounts of lutein in order to be effective in preventing macular degeneration

Zeaxanthin Side Effects

Like most carotenoid supplements on the market, there are no known as serious side effects associated with taking zeaxanthin. That said, it must be noted that there are some studies indicating that the proper balance of carotenoids in the system is important.

Improper balance could cause neurological problems such as impaired vision, anxiety, headaches, and abnormal nervousness. If you are taking any carotenoid supplements, including zeaxanthin, you should inform your doctor should these symptoms develop.

Because Zeaxanthin is selectively accumulated in the eyes, is believed that the body can possibly overload on this substance under certain circumstances. Should that occur individuals will notice the pupils dilate more often and to a larger degree than normal.

Such symptoms are a good sign that you should stop taking zeaxanthin at once and notify your physician. Other than these two side effects, zeaxanthin is generally considered safe to be taken as a daily supplement by adults.

Zeaxanthin and Other Considerations

Even among experts who believe in using zeaxanthin supplements to help prevent macular degeneration, there is some skepticism as to whether or not a supplement alone is sufficient in preventing the disease. There are a host of other factors involved including genetics, cardiovascular issues, hypertension, and the general diet and health considerations.

While Zeaxanthin may be helpful in promoting good eye health it may not be the miracle substance that many supplement makers make it out to be. To realize the maximum benefits, you should use zeaxanthin according to instructions but also engage in other activities which promote your overall good health. 

Consult your doctor before beginning any daily supplement regimen. To locate supplements containing Zeaxanthin, use the supplement finder now! 


  • Side Effects
  • Other Names
  • Uses
Neurological Problems
Impaired Vision
All-E-Lutein, All-E-Zeaxanthin, All-E-3'-dehydro-lutein, Beta,epsilon-carotene-3,3'-diol, Carotenoid, Caroténoïde, E-Lutein, Luteina, Lutéine, Lutéine Synthétique, Synthetic Lutein, Xanthophyll, Xanthophylle, Zeaxanthin, Zéaxanthine
Prevention Of Macular Degeneration
Vision Improvement