How do I assign nutrition goals to my client?
What’s the perfect pairing to workout goals? Nutrition goals! Because nutrition can be intimidating for your client to manage alone, you can now set goals for them through the client dashboard! Follow the steps below to get started.
Step-by-Step Guide:
Step 1: Click the gear icon.
From the client list in the “Clients” tab of your dashboard, locate the client to whom you want to assign nutrition goals. To the right of his or her name, look for the gear icon; click on it.
Step 2: Select the “Nutrition” tab.
In the client management window, select the “Nutrition” tab from the menu on the left side of the screen. Then, from the “Nutrition Goals” view, enter the information, such as carbs, fat, protein, and total calorie limit, for your client.
Step 3: Save the information.
Once you’ve filled in the appropriate information, be sure to save your notes. Simply click “Save Goals,” and the nutrition goals you’ve set will be automatically emailed to your client.