Support Workout Plan Creator
How do I create a new workout plan from the Trainer Dashboard?

How do I create a new workout plan from the Trainer Dashboard?

Posted by Support Team on September 10, 2020 — Updated on September 10, 2020

From your Trainer Dashboardclick on the “Create New Plan” button near the right side of the page. The “Plan Settings” modal will then appear. Use the “Plan Settings” modal to customize your workout plan’s details.

Configuring your Workout Plan

To customize the plan’s details, follow the steps below:

  • Type the name of your new workout plan into the “Plan Name” text box.
  • Choose a difficulty level (optional).
  • Select plan objectives (optional).
  • Upload an image for the workout plan (optional).
  • Select the days you recommend that the workout be completed on.
  • Add a plan description.
  • Customize any additional settings as needed.
  • Click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the page.

Once you have saved your customized plan settings, you can add exercises to your new workout plan. Use the following steps to learn how to add exercises to your workout plan:

  • Click on the first workout of the week.
  • On the left hand side of the screen, search the database for exercises and add them as needed.
  • Enter the sets, reps, times, rest times, etc. for each exercise.
  • For weighted exercises, you can choose a weight to display by default in the workout logger view.
  • Click the Trash Can icon to delete an exercise from the workout

Adding Progression Percentages, Supersets, and Alternate Exercises

After you have added exercises to your workout plan, you can opt to include progression percentages, supersets, and alternate exercises.

To add progression percentages, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the exercise box and check “Use Progressions.” Choose a rep max from the list and enter the progression percentages.

To add supersets, click the chain link icon between the two exercises

To add alternate exercises, click the down arrow in the top right corner of the exercise box and check “Alternate Exercises.” Enter the workout details and choose a label.

Copying and Rearranging Workouts

If you need to copy or rearrange workouts, you can do so in the “Weeks” view of the Workout Plan Creator. 

Use the following steps to copy a workout plan:

  • Click the “+” in the bottom left of the workout card to copy it to the following day.
  • Cick the “+” in the top right corner of the “Week” box to copy the whole week of workouts onto the next week.

You can also drag and drop workout days to rearrange them. Just click on a workout day, hold down, and drag it to a new location.

Finishing Up

Once your workout plan is complete, you can save it by clicking the “Publish” button in the top right hand corner of the page.

Trainers can assign workout plans to individuals or to groups and then save their settings.

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