FAQ – Apple Developer Account
What is a D-U-N-S number?
The D-U-N-S Number is a unique nine-digit number that identifies business entities on a location-specific basis. The D-U-N-S Number is widely used as a standard business identifier and is assigned and maintained by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B). For more information, see Apple Support.
Can I enroll as an individual instead of an organization?
Yes, however, the following restrictions may apply:
- If your company is a limited liability company (Corp., Inc.), corporation (LLC, LC, Ltd. Co.), or a legal entity (GmbH, AG, KG, oHg, etc.), you cannot enroll as an individual or your app will be rejected.
- If you are a sole proprietorship or a single person company, you must enroll as an individual.
Can I enroll as an organization instead of an individual?
Yes, however, the following restrictions may apply:
- If you are a sole proprietorship or a single person company, you must enroll as an individual.
- If your company is a limited liability company (Corp., Inc.), corporation (LLC, LC, Ltd. Co.), or a legal entity (GmbH, AG, KG, oHg, etc.), you cannot enroll as an individual or your app will be rejected.
Can I list my company as the seller on the App Store?
If you want to list your company as the seller on the App Store, you will need to enroll your company as an organization. You will not be able to list your company as the seller when you enroll as an individual.
Enrolling as an organization takes significantly more time, but it gives you the following advantages:
- You may invite additional developers to your team within your organization’s account.
- Your company name will appear as the seller so long as your company is recognized as a legal entity. If you are a sole proprietor or a single person business, your legal name will appear as the seller instead.
What are the differences between an individual account and an organization account?
The main differences between an individual account and an organization account are as follows:
- An individual account is very easy to set up and can be completed in 20 minutes, while an organization account typically takes four weeks to set up because it requires a DUNS number for verification purposes.
- Individual accounts display the business owner’s name as the app publisher, while organization accounts will display the company’s name as the app publisher.
- Organization accounts allow you to invite additional developers to your team within your organization’s account.
How much does it cost to enroll in the Apple Developer Program?
To enroll in the Apple Developer Program, you will need to pay a $99 (USD) annual publisher fee – charged by Apple. This fee is the same whether you enroll as an individual or as an organization, and it must be paid on a yearly basis.