How do I pause subscriptions for my clients?
Posted by
Support Team
September 10, 2020
— Updated on
January 4, 2025
Here’s how to pause client payments on their subscriptions, starting from the “Clients” tab of your Dashboard. Instructions are below:
This guide will walk you through the process of pausing a client’s subscription step by step.
1. Clients
Navigate to the “Clients” section.
2. Payment Details
Hover over the gear icon next to the client and select “Payment Details” from the menu.
3. Pause
Under subscriptions, click on the lock icon for the subscription you want to pause.
4. Partial Pause Coupon Codes
The first option available is for a partial pause using coupon codes. Click on the link to continue.
5. Manage Coupon Option
You can access coupon management and coupon creation from here.
6. Select Coupon
Select the coupon from the list.
7. Pause Subscription
Click on pause subscription.
8. Confirm Pause
Confirm the subscription pause.
9. Client Payment Details
Back on the client’s payment details, click on the lock icon to pause another subscription
10. Add Pause Date
Choose the option to add a pause date.
11. Select Date
Select a date from the calendar.
12. Add Resume Date
Choose to add a date for the subscription to be resumed.
13. Select Date
Select a date from the calendar.
14. Billing Cycle
Enable the “Update Billing Cycle Date” option.
15. Resume Subscription Options
Select how the subscription will be charged when the subscription is resumed.
You can choose from the following:
Do Not Charge on Resume Date
Charge Full Amount on Resume Date
Credit for Unused Time.
16. Estimated Payment
After making a selection, the estimated payment will be displayed below.
17. Freeze or Unfreeze the Account
You can also enable the option to automatically freeze or unfreeze the account when it has been paused and unpaused.
18. Pause Subscription
Click on “Pause Subscription”.
19. Confirm Pause
Confirm the subscription pause.
This guide covered the options available to pause a client’s subscription.