Be sure to raise your hips up as high as possible when performing the pulse up exercise. If you are unable to get off the ground for the explosive push-up, then simply shoot for completing the reps in the shortest time possible.
Try for perfect form on all these exercises. Cheating will only reduce your results and prolong the time it takes to get six pack abs.
The quicker you complete the workout, the higher your heart rate will be. A higher heart rate means a higher metabolic rate, which will burn more fat and get those six pack abs sooner than expected.
Beginner: Increasing rest time and ignore supersets.
Advanced: Decrease rest times and increase supersets.
Exercise | |
2 sets, 15 reps
2 sets, 15 reps, 00:30 rest
2 sets, 15 reps, 01:00 rest
2 sets, 10 reps, 01:00 rest
2 sets, 10 reps, 01:00 rest
2 sets, 10 reps
3 sets, 12 reps, 00:30 rest
Summertime is when everyone starts coming out of their winter slumber (with a few extra pounds added on), and heads outside for outdoor adventures, weekends at the pool and vacations to the beach. Are you tired of not feeling comfortable with your shirt off when everyone else has removed their... more
Hips should not sag down on both plank exercises, and be sure to fully twist left and right on the cycling Russian twist and the barbell torque.
Try for perfect form on all these exercises. Cheating will only reduce your results and prolong the time it takes to get six pack abs.
The quicker you complete the workout, the higher your heart rate will be. A higher heart rate means a higher metabolic rate, which will burn more fat and get those six pack abs sooner than expected.
Beginner: Increasing rest time and ignore supersets.
Advanced: Decrease rest times and increase supersets.
Exercise | |
2 sets, 00:01:30
2 sets, 00:01:30, 01:00 rest
2 sets, 20 reps, 01:00 rest
3 sets, 10 reps, 01:00 rest
3 sets, 10 reps
3 sets, 10 reps, 01:00 rest
Summertime is when everyone starts coming out of their winter slumber (with a few extra pounds added on), and heads outside for outdoor adventures, weekends at the pool and vacations to the beach. Are you tired of not feeling comfortable with your shirt off when everyone else has removed their... more
Be sure to raise your hips up as high as possible when performing the pulse up exercise. Try for perfect form on all these exercises. Cheating will only reduce your results and prolong the time it takes to get six pack abs.
The quicker you complete the workout, the higher your heart rate will be. A higher heart rate means a higher metabolic rate, which will burn more fat and get those six pack abs sooner than expected.
Beginner: Increasing rest time and ignore supersets.
Advanced: Decrease rest times and increase supersets.
Exercise | |
2 sets, 15 reps
2 sets, 20 reps
2 sets, 15 reps, 01:00 rest
3 sets, 10 reps, 01:00 rest
3 sets, 10 reps, 01:00 rest
3 sets, 21 reps, 01:00 rest
Summertime is when everyone starts coming out of their winter slumber (with a few extra pounds added on), and heads outside for outdoor adventures, weekends at the pool and vacations to the beach. Are you tired of not feeling comfortable with your shirt off when everyone else has removed their... more
Focus on slamming the medicine ball down as hard as you can while clenching your abdominal muscles, generating your force from your core, and not simply throwing the ball down with your arms.
Twist all the way to the right and left when performing the medicine ball side throw to get a great oblique workout. The same goes for the standing torso twist.
Try for perfect form on all these exercises. Cheating will only reduce your results and prolong the time it takes to get six pack abs.
The quicker you complete the workout, the higher your heart rate will be. A higher heart rate means a higher metabolic rate, which will burn more fat and get those six pack abs sooner than expected.
Beginner: Increasing rest time and ignore supersets.
Advanced: Decrease rest times and increase supersets.
Exercise | |
Summertime is when everyone starts coming out of their winter slumber (with a few extra pounds added on), and heads outside for outdoor adventures, weekends at the pool and vacations to the beach. Are you tired of not feeling comfortable with your shirt off when everyone else has removed their... more