Advanced German Body Comp Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 6 Days per Week / Expert

2 ratings
Advanced German Body Comp Workout Plan

Advanced German Body Comp Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 6 Days per Week / Expert

2 ratings

Advanced German Body Comp Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 6 Days per Week / Expert

2 ratings
  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
  • Day 4
  • Day 5
  • Day 6

Notes for Week 1, Day 1

All of the sets listed are work sets so be sure to warm up thoroughly and do a few warm up sets if needed. Note that the "Seated Leg Press" is not a regular "Leg Press" machine but is a machine where you are seated more upright to put a little more of an emphasis on the quads. For the best results then rest no more than 10 seconds between exercises when walking from one station to the next. Be sure to choose a weight that allows you to complete each rep with perfect form but where you struggle to complete the last rep. PRO Membership Includes

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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Quads / Beginner
3 sets, 6 reps
3 6 -- --:--
Quads / Intermediate
3 sets, 12 reps
3 12 -- --:--
Quads / Expert
3 sets, 25 reps, 02:00 rest
3 25 -- 02:00
3 sets, 6 reps
3 6 -- --:--
3 sets, 12 reps
3 12 -- --:--
3 sets, 25 reps, 02:00 rest
3 25 -- 02:00
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

The Advanced German Body Comp Workout Plan is a progression from the "regular" German Body Comp Workout Plan and make no mistake - even the "regular" GBC plan is quite hard so this advanced GBC plan is very very hard! The goal of any German Body Comp style routine programming is simply to enc... more

The Advanced German Body Comp Workout Plan is a progression from the "regular" German Body Comp Workout Plan and make no mistake - even the "regular" GBC plan is quite hard so this advanced GBC plan is very very hard!

The goal of any German Body Comp style routine programming is simply to encourage the release of massive amounts of natural Human Growth Hormone in the body by stimulating lactic acid buildup in the muscles while working out. Charles Poliquin, the Romanian scientist Hala Rambie, and others have postulated that intense sessions of weight training in this specialized format listed below will force lactic acid buildup in your muscles while working out, which will in turn cause your body to naturally produce loads of HGH, a natural hormone for burning fat and adding muscle mass.

The major difference in this advanced version of the German Body Composition Program is that you workout more days per week while targeting fewer muscle groups per workout.

If you are a beginner to lifting weights or you haven't worked out for a while then DO NOT do this plan! This is a very hard workout plan when performed correctly and you should work up to being able to complete it.

One of the keys to success with this or any other GBC Poliquin style routine is to choose adequate loading. In other words, if you are skating through this workout and treating it like a cardio style or even CrossFit style workout where you can just blast through these supersets almost like a cardio intensive circuit style workout then you are doing the workout wrong. Why? The key is to choose a weight for each set that is heavy enough to make you struggle to complete the last rep.

Let me repeat - go heavy or don't do this workout! Now of course; be safe, know your limits, use a spotter, etc. BUT the key to maximizing lactic acid buildup and in turn the massive amounts of natural Human Growth Hormone production is to choose weights for each set and each exercise that are very taxing for you. When this workout calls for you to do 6 reps then make sure you choose a weight that is very difficult for you to squeeze out that 6th rep, then the same thing for when this plan calls for you to do 12 reps and 25 reps.

So if you are ready for a very hard workout plan that is for advanced lifters who want to maximize natural HGH production by using German Body Composition style programming then this is the plan for you - if you dare!

Notes for Week 1, Day 2

All of the sets listed are work sets so be sure to warm up thoroughly and do a few warm up sets if needed. Note that the "Kayak Rows" should be performed with a 1-2 count so you only need to do 12 total reps for each set and not 24 (i.e. do 6 reps to the left side and 6 reps to the right side for each set of 12 reps). For the best results then rest no more than 10 seconds between exercises when walking from one station to the next. Be sure to choose a weight that allows you to complete each rep with perfect form but where you struggle to complete the last rep. PRO Membership Includes

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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Middle Back / Intermediate
3 sets, 6 reps
3 6 -- --:--
Middle Back / Intermediate
3 sets, 12 reps
3 12 -- --:--
Middle Back / Beginner
3 sets, 25 reps, 02:00 rest
3 25 -- 02:00
3 sets, 6 reps
3 6 -- --:--
3 sets, 12 reps
3 12 -- --:--
3 sets, 25 reps, 02:00 rest
3 25 -- 02:00
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

The Advanced German Body Comp Workout Plan is a progression from the "regular" German Body Comp Workout Plan and make no mistake - even the "regular" GBC plan is quite hard so this advanced GBC plan is very very hard! The goal of any German Body Comp style routine programming is simply to enc... more

The Advanced German Body Comp Workout Plan is a progression from the "regular" German Body Comp Workout Plan and make no mistake - even the "regular" GBC plan is quite hard so this advanced GBC plan is very very hard!

The goal of any German Body Comp style routine programming is simply to encourage the release of massive amounts of natural Human Growth Hormone in the body by stimulating lactic acid buildup in the muscles while working out. Charles Poliquin, the Romanian scientist Hala Rambie, and others have postulated that intense sessions of weight training in this specialized format listed below will force lactic acid buildup in your muscles while working out, which will in turn cause your body to naturally produce loads of HGH, a natural hormone for burning fat and adding muscle mass.

The major difference in this advanced version of the German Body Composition Program is that you workout more days per week while targeting fewer muscle groups per workout.

If you are a beginner to lifting weights or you haven't worked out for a while then DO NOT do this plan! This is a very hard workout plan when performed correctly and you should work up to being able to complete it.

One of the keys to success with this or any other GBC Poliquin style routine is to choose adequate loading. In other words, if you are skating through this workout and treating it like a cardio style or even CrossFit style workout where you can just blast through these supersets almost like a cardio intensive circuit style workout then you are doing the workout wrong. Why? The key is to choose a weight for each set that is heavy enough to make you struggle to complete the last rep.

Let me repeat - go heavy or don't do this workout! Now of course; be safe, know your limits, use a spotter, etc. BUT the key to maximizing lactic acid buildup and in turn the massive amounts of natural Human Growth Hormone production is to choose weights for each set and each exercise that are very taxing for you. When this workout calls for you to do 6 reps then make sure you choose a weight that is very difficult for you to squeeze out that 6th rep, then the same thing for when this plan calls for you to do 12 reps and 25 reps.

So if you are ready for a very hard workout plan that is for advanced lifters who want to maximize natural HGH production by using German Body Composition style programming then this is the plan for you - if you dare!

Advanced GBC Chest & Shoulders

Notes for Week 1, Day 3

All of the sets listed are work sets so be sure to warm up thoroughly and do a few warm up sets if needed. For the best results then rest no more than 10 seconds between exercises when walking from one station to the next. Be sure to choose a weight that allows you to complete each rep with perfect form but where you struggle to complete the last rep. PRO Membership Includes

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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Chest / Beginner
3 sets, 6 reps
3 6 -- --:--
Chest / Intermediate
3 sets, 12 reps
3 12 -- --:--
Chest / Intermediate
3 sets, 25 reps, 02:00 rest
3 25 -- 02:00
3 sets, 6 reps
3 6 -- --:--
3 sets, 12 reps
3 12 -- --:--
3 sets, 25 reps, 02:00 rest
3 25 -- 02:00
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

The Advanced German Body Comp Workout Plan is a progression from the "regular" German Body Comp Workout Plan and make no mistake - even the "regular" GBC plan is quite hard so this advanced GBC plan is very very hard! The goal of any German Body Comp style routine programming is simply to enc... more

The Advanced German Body Comp Workout Plan is a progression from the "regular" German Body Comp Workout Plan and make no mistake - even the "regular" GBC plan is quite hard so this advanced GBC plan is very very hard!

The goal of any German Body Comp style routine programming is simply to encourage the release of massive amounts of natural Human Growth Hormone in the body by stimulating lactic acid buildup in the muscles while working out. Charles Poliquin, the Romanian scientist Hala Rambie, and others have postulated that intense sessions of weight training in this specialized format listed below will force lactic acid buildup in your muscles while working out, which will in turn cause your body to naturally produce loads of HGH, a natural hormone for burning fat and adding muscle mass.

The major difference in this advanced version of the German Body Composition Program is that you workout more days per week while targeting fewer muscle groups per workout.

If you are a beginner to lifting weights or you haven't worked out for a while then DO NOT do this plan! This is a very hard workout plan when performed correctly and you should work up to being able to complete it.

One of the keys to success with this or any other GBC Poliquin style routine is to choose adequate loading. In other words, if you are skating through this workout and treating it like a cardio style or even CrossFit style workout where you can just blast through these supersets almost like a cardio intensive circuit style workout then you are doing the workout wrong. Why? The key is to choose a weight for each set that is heavy enough to make you struggle to complete the last rep.

Let me repeat - go heavy or don't do this workout! Now of course; be safe, know your limits, use a spotter, etc. BUT the key to maximizing lactic acid buildup and in turn the massive amounts of natural Human Growth Hormone production is to choose weights for each set and each exercise that are very taxing for you. When this workout calls for you to do 6 reps then make sure you choose a weight that is very difficult for you to squeeze out that 6th rep, then the same thing for when this plan calls for you to do 12 reps and 25 reps.

So if you are ready for a very hard workout plan that is for advanced lifters who want to maximize natural HGH production by using German Body Composition style programming then this is the plan for you - if you dare!

Notes for Week 1, Day 4

All of the sets listed are work sets so be sure to warm up thoroughly and do a few warm up sets if needed. Note that the "Floor Wiper" should be performed with a 1-2 count so you only need to do 25 total reps for each set and not 50 (i.e. do 12 reps to the left side and 13 reps to the right side for each set of 25 reps and then alternate back and forth to make sure each side gets equal emphasis from one set to the next). For the best results then rest no more than 10 seconds between exercises when walking from one station to the next. Be sure to choose a weight that allows you to complete each rep with perfect form but where you struggle to complete the last rep. PRO Membership Includes

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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Abs / Beginner
Abs / Expert
Abs / Expert
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

The Advanced German Body Comp Workout Plan is a progression from the "regular" German Body Comp Workout Plan and make no mistake - even the "regular" GBC plan is quite hard so this advanced GBC plan is very very hard! The goal of any German Body Comp style routine programming is simply to enc... more

The Advanced German Body Comp Workout Plan is a progression from the "regular" German Body Comp Workout Plan and make no mistake - even the "regular" GBC plan is quite hard so this advanced GBC plan is very very hard!

The goal of any German Body Comp style routine programming is simply to encourage the release of massive amounts of natural Human Growth Hormone in the body by stimulating lactic acid buildup in the muscles while working out. Charles Poliquin, the Romanian scientist Hala Rambie, and others have postulated that intense sessions of weight training in this specialized format listed below will force lactic acid buildup in your muscles while working out, which will in turn cause your body to naturally produce loads of HGH, a natural hormone for burning fat and adding muscle mass.

The major difference in this advanced version of the German Body Composition Program is that you workout more days per week while targeting fewer muscle groups per workout.

If you are a beginner to lifting weights or you haven't worked out for a while then DO NOT do this plan! This is a very hard workout plan when performed correctly and you should work up to being able to complete it.

One of the keys to success with this or any other GBC Poliquin style routine is to choose adequate loading. In other words, if you are skating through this workout and treating it like a cardio style or even CrossFit style workout where you can just blast through these supersets almost like a cardio intensive circuit style workout then you are doing the workout wrong. Why? The key is to choose a weight for each set that is heavy enough to make you struggle to complete the last rep.

Let me repeat - go heavy or don't do this workout! Now of course; be safe, know your limits, use a spotter, etc. BUT the key to maximizing lactic acid buildup and in turn the massive amounts of natural Human Growth Hormone production is to choose weights for each set and each exercise that are very taxing for you. When this workout calls for you to do 6 reps then make sure you choose a weight that is very difficult for you to squeeze out that 6th rep, then the same thing for when this plan calls for you to do 12 reps and 25 reps.

So if you are ready for a very hard workout plan that is for advanced lifters who want to maximize natural HGH production by using German Body Composition style programming then this is the plan for you - if you dare!

Advanced GBC Posterior Chain

Notes for Week 1, Day 5

All of the sets listed are work sets so be sure to warm up thoroughly and do a few warm up sets if needed. Note that the "Single-Leg Leg Press" should be performed with a 1-2 count so you only need to do 12 total reps for each set and not 24 (i.e. do 6 reps with the left leg and 6 reps with the right leg for each set of 12 reps). For the best results then rest no more than 10 seconds between exercises when walking from one station to the next. Be sure to choose a weight that allows you to complete each rep with perfect form but where you struggle to complete the last rep. PRO Membership Includes

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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Quads / Expert
Hamstrings / Intermediate
Glutes / Intermediate
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

The Advanced German Body Comp Workout Plan is a progression from the "regular" German Body Comp Workout Plan and make no mistake - even the "regular" GBC plan is quite hard so this advanced GBC plan is very very hard! The goal of any German Body Comp style routine programming is simply to enc... more

The Advanced German Body Comp Workout Plan is a progression from the "regular" German Body Comp Workout Plan and make no mistake - even the "regular" GBC plan is quite hard so this advanced GBC plan is very very hard!

The goal of any German Body Comp style routine programming is simply to encourage the release of massive amounts of natural Human Growth Hormone in the body by stimulating lactic acid buildup in the muscles while working out. Charles Poliquin, the Romanian scientist Hala Rambie, and others have postulated that intense sessions of weight training in this specialized format listed below will force lactic acid buildup in your muscles while working out, which will in turn cause your body to naturally produce loads of HGH, a natural hormone for burning fat and adding muscle mass.

The major difference in this advanced version of the German Body Composition Program is that you workout more days per week while targeting fewer muscle groups per workout.

If you are a beginner to lifting weights or you haven't worked out for a while then DO NOT do this plan! This is a very hard workout plan when performed correctly and you should work up to being able to complete it.

One of the keys to success with this or any other GBC Poliquin style routine is to choose adequate loading. In other words, if you are skating through this workout and treating it like a cardio style or even CrossFit style workout where you can just blast through these supersets almost like a cardio intensive circuit style workout then you are doing the workout wrong. Why? The key is to choose a weight for each set that is heavy enough to make you struggle to complete the last rep.

Let me repeat - go heavy or don't do this workout! Now of course; be safe, know your limits, use a spotter, etc. BUT the key to maximizing lactic acid buildup and in turn the massive amounts of natural Human Growth Hormone production is to choose weights for each set and each exercise that are very taxing for you. When this workout calls for you to do 6 reps then make sure you choose a weight that is very difficult for you to squeeze out that 6th rep, then the same thing for when this plan calls for you to do 12 reps and 25 reps.

So if you are ready for a very hard workout plan that is for advanced lifters who want to maximize natural HGH production by using German Body Composition style programming then this is the plan for you - if you dare!

Notes for Week 1, Day 6

All of the sets listed are work sets so be sure to warm up thoroughly and do a few warm up sets if needed. For the best results then rest no more than 10 seconds between exercises when walking from one station to the next. Be sure to choose a weight that allows you to complete each rep with perfect form but where you struggle to complete the last rep. PRO Membership Includes

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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Biceps / Beginner
Biceps / Beginner
Biceps / Beginner
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

The Advanced German Body Comp Workout Plan is a progression from the "regular" German Body Comp Workout Plan and make no mistake - even the "regular" GBC plan is quite hard so this advanced GBC plan is very very hard! The goal of any German Body Comp style routine programming is simply to enc... more

The Advanced German Body Comp Workout Plan is a progression from the "regular" German Body Comp Workout Plan and make no mistake - even the "regular" GBC plan is quite hard so this advanced GBC plan is very very hard!

The goal of any German Body Comp style routine programming is simply to encourage the release of massive amounts of natural Human Growth Hormone in the body by stimulating lactic acid buildup in the muscles while working out. Charles Poliquin, the Romanian scientist Hala Rambie, and others have postulated that intense sessions of weight training in this specialized format listed below will force lactic acid buildup in your muscles while working out, which will in turn cause your body to naturally produce loads of HGH, a natural hormone for burning fat and adding muscle mass.

The major difference in this advanced version of the German Body Composition Program is that you workout more days per week while targeting fewer muscle groups per workout.

If you are a beginner to lifting weights or you haven't worked out for a while then DO NOT do this plan! This is a very hard workout plan when performed correctly and you should work up to being able to complete it.

One of the keys to success with this or any other GBC Poliquin style routine is to choose adequate loading. In other words, if you are skating through this workout and treating it like a cardio style or even CrossFit style workout where you can just blast through these supersets almost like a cardio intensive circuit style workout then you are doing the workout wrong. Why? The key is to choose a weight for each set that is heavy enough to make you struggle to complete the last rep.

Let me repeat - go heavy or don't do this workout! Now of course; be safe, know your limits, use a spotter, etc. BUT the key to maximizing lactic acid buildup and in turn the massive amounts of natural Human Growth Hormone production is to choose weights for each set and each exercise that are very taxing for you. When this workout calls for you to do 6 reps then make sure you choose a weight that is very difficult for you to squeeze out that 6th rep, then the same thing for when this plan calls for you to do 12 reps and 25 reps.

So if you are ready for a very hard workout plan that is for advanced lifters who want to maximize natural HGH production by using German Body Composition style programming then this is the plan for you - if you dare!

324 people started this plan

Workout Goals

  • Gain Mass
  • Get Ripped

Equipment Needed

  • Ab Crunch Machine
  • Barbell
  • Flat Bench
  • Squat Rack
  • Box
  • Incline Bench
Show All

2 Reviews

  • JoelJonathan
    over 12 years ago

    This is a very hard workout plan. If you stick within the guidelines then it can be downright brutal. That being said, I think I got some great results out of this plan and if you want to gain some size while losing fat and increasing your cardiovascular endurance at the same time then definitely give the advanced GBC a try!

  • vic892
    about 9 years ago

    dumb question, after i do first cycle and rest 2 minutes do i start with 2nd cyle ?
    or i repeat 3 times 1st cycle ?

Advanced German Body Comp Workout Plan

324 people started this plan

Workout Goals

  • Gain Mass
  • Get Ripped

Equipment Needed

  • Ab Crunch Machine
  • Barbell
  • Flat Bench
  • Squat Rack
  • Box
  • Incline Bench
Show All