Christian Bale Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 3 Days per Week / Expert

Christian Bale Workout Plan

Christian Bale Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 3 Days per Week / Expert

Christian Bale Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 3 Days per Week / Expert

  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
Christian Bale Compound Weight Training Workout

Notes for Week 1, Day 1

This Christian Bale workout may not seem like a lot of exercises.With 4 sets of the compound, explosive movements that are involved, you will definitely see and feel results. Be sure to push yourself and use heavy weight so you can only do the prescribed reps and not a single one more. You must push yourself to see great results!

*Since this Christian Bale workout routine is designed as a 6 day workout routine, it is recommended that you follow a 3 day on, 1 day off, 3 day on approach. Also it is highly recommend that you check out the recommended supplements at the top the page to help your body heal itself, provide energy, and grow. PRO Membership Includes

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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Lats / Intermediate
4 sets, 12 reps, 02:00 rest
4 12 02:00
Middle Back / Intermediate
4 sets, 12 reps, 02:00 rest
4 12 -- 02:00
Quads / Beginner
4 sets, 10,10,8,6 reps, 02:00 rest
4 10,10,8,6 -- 02:00
4 sets, 10,10,8,6 reps, 02:00 rest
4 10,10,8,6 -- 02:00
4 sets, 10,10,8,6 reps, 02:00 rest
4 10,10,8,6 -- 02:00
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

Christian Bale's ambition and passion towards his acting career has led him to success in creating the look of the many different characters he has played. In three of his movies (American Psycho, Batman Begins, and The Dark Knight), Christian Bale played a character who was lean and ripped. T... more

Christian Bale's ambition and passion towards his acting career has led him to success in creating the look of the many different characters he has played. In three of his movies (American Psycho, Batman Begins, and The Dark Knight), Christian Bale played a character who was lean and ripped.

This Christian Bale workout routine below delivers the same results that morphed Christian Bale into his characters Patrick Bateman and Bruce Wayne.

Compound Exercises for Maximum Effectiveness

All three of the Christian Bale workouts focus on using compound exercises, which use two or more muscle groups at the same time. They also consist of a higher set count with a repetition count that lowers on the final three sets.

Increasing the weight during the Christian Bale workout will be necessary to achieve the proper results. Expect to burn plenty of calories throughout each workout and to drink plenty of water.

Training with High Intensity

The Christian Bale batman workout is going to send you back on the track! Sprints, which help the body develop its fast-twitch muscle fibers, are required for the second workout and create a more athletic look. They are also another exercise that burns more calories than expected, and if you have not ran sprints in a long time, expect plenty of soreness for the next few days.

Holy plyometrics, batman! While the Christian Bale training philosophy requires plenty of weight training, it also requires you to perform fast, powerful movements such as the lateral box jump and the plyometric push-up.

Remember all of those push-ups during the Batman Begins workout scene in his room? Christian Bale got his power to crush those push-ups by doing plyometric push-ups.

Cutting that Fat

Don't forget the American psycho! How did Christian Bale get his abs as Patrick Bateman without doing tons of crunches? All of the calories burned in this routine add up quickly to get that belly fat removed!

The Christian Bale psycho workout gave him his abs by burning off his excess body fat by training with power.

The Christian Bale workout routine may lean more towards power lifting than overall bodybuilding, but the routine achieves faster results when performed with the right intensity. Because of the amount of calories burned per workout, diets can be less strict than a bodybuilding routine.

However, eating proper nutrition will create a better overall energy level during the workout and get you the Christian Bale body much faster. Think about dieting and exercising like Christian Bale, and you will also take a no-nonsense approach with your body as much as he does with his acting. Start making progress towards the body you want today with the Christian Bale workout plan!

Christian Bale Interval Training Workout

Notes for Week 1, Day 2

*Walking Lunge: 10 reps for each leg, so a total of 20 steps for each set.

Warm up thoroughly before beginning sprinting. The reps given for sprints is set up so that one rep equals 40 yards of sprinting. Sprint 40 yards for one rep. Walk back to the starting line and sprint 40 yards again for rep #2 and so on. PRO Membership Includes

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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Quads / Intermediate
3 sets, 3 reps, 01:00 rest
3 -- 3 01:00
Quads / Intermediate
4 sets, 10,10,8,6 reps, 02:00 rest
4 10,10,8,6 -- 02:00
Quads / Intermediate
4 sets, 10 reps, 02:00 rest
4 10 -- 02:00
3 sets, 3 reps, 01:00 rest
3 -- 3 01:00
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

Christian Bale's ambition and passion towards his acting career has led him to success in creating the look of the many different characters he has played. In three of his movies (American Psycho, Batman Begins, and The Dark Knight), Christian Bale played a character who was lean and ripped. T... more

Christian Bale's ambition and passion towards his acting career has led him to success in creating the look of the many different characters he has played. In three of his movies (American Psycho, Batman Begins, and The Dark Knight), Christian Bale played a character who was lean and ripped.

This Christian Bale workout routine below delivers the same results that morphed Christian Bale into his characters Patrick Bateman and Bruce Wayne.

Compound Exercises for Maximum Effectiveness

All three of the Christian Bale workouts focus on using compound exercises, which use two or more muscle groups at the same time. They also consist of a higher set count with a repetition count that lowers on the final three sets.

Increasing the weight during the Christian Bale workout will be necessary to achieve the proper results. Expect to burn plenty of calories throughout each workout and to drink plenty of water.

Training with High Intensity

The Christian Bale batman workout is going to send you back on the track! Sprints, which help the body develop its fast-twitch muscle fibers, are required for the second workout and create a more athletic look. They are also another exercise that burns more calories than expected, and if you have not ran sprints in a long time, expect plenty of soreness for the next few days.

Holy plyometrics, batman! While the Christian Bale training philosophy requires plenty of weight training, it also requires you to perform fast, powerful movements such as the lateral box jump and the plyometric push-up.

Remember all of those push-ups during the Batman Begins workout scene in his room? Christian Bale got his power to crush those push-ups by doing plyometric push-ups.

Cutting that Fat

Don't forget the American psycho! How did Christian Bale get his abs as Patrick Bateman without doing tons of crunches? All of the calories burned in this routine add up quickly to get that belly fat removed!

The Christian Bale psycho workout gave him his abs by burning off his excess body fat by training with power.

The Christian Bale workout routine may lean more towards power lifting than overall bodybuilding, but the routine achieves faster results when performed with the right intensity. Because of the amount of calories burned per workout, diets can be less strict than a bodybuilding routine.

However, eating proper nutrition will create a better overall energy level during the workout and get you the Christian Bale body much faster. Think about dieting and exercising like Christian Bale, and you will also take a no-nonsense approach with your body as much as he does with his acting. Start making progress towards the body you want today with the Christian Bale workout plan!

Christian Bale Plyometric Training Workout

Notes for Week 1, Day 3

This Christian Bale workout may not seem like a lot of exercises.With 4 sets of the compound, explosive movements that are involved, you will definitely see and feel results. Be sure to push yourself and use heavy weight so you can only do the prescribed reps and not a single one more. You must push yourself to see great results!

*Since this Christian Bale workout routine is designed as a 6 day workout routine, it is recommended that you follow a 3 day on, 1 day off, 3 day on approach. Also it is highly recommend that you check out the recommended supplements at the top the page to help your body heal itself, provide energy, and grow. PRO Membership Includes

Online Workout Tracking
Step-By-Step Video Tutorials
Advanced Workout Stats
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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Chest / Beginner
3 sets, 12 reps
3 12 -- --:--
Chest / Expert
3 sets, 12 reps, 02:30 rest
3 12 -- 02:30
Chest / Intermediate
4 sets, 12,10,8,6 reps, 02:00 rest
4 12,10,8,6 02:00
4 sets, 20 reps, 02:00 rest
4 20 02:00
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

Christian Bale's ambition and passion towards his acting career has led him to success in creating the look of the many different characters he has played. In three of his movies (American Psycho, Batman Begins, and The Dark Knight), Christian Bale played a character who was lean and ripped. T... more

Christian Bale's ambition and passion towards his acting career has led him to success in creating the look of the many different characters he has played. In three of his movies (American Psycho, Batman Begins, and The Dark Knight), Christian Bale played a character who was lean and ripped.

This Christian Bale workout routine below delivers the same results that morphed Christian Bale into his characters Patrick Bateman and Bruce Wayne.

Compound Exercises for Maximum Effectiveness

All three of the Christian Bale workouts focus on using compound exercises, which use two or more muscle groups at the same time. They also consist of a higher set count with a repetition count that lowers on the final three sets.

Increasing the weight during the Christian Bale workout will be necessary to achieve the proper results. Expect to burn plenty of calories throughout each workout and to drink plenty of water.

Training with High Intensity

The Christian Bale batman workout is going to send you back on the track! Sprints, which help the body develop its fast-twitch muscle fibers, are required for the second workout and create a more athletic look. They are also another exercise that burns more calories than expected, and if you have not ran sprints in a long time, expect plenty of soreness for the next few days.

Holy plyometrics, batman! While the Christian Bale training philosophy requires plenty of weight training, it also requires you to perform fast, powerful movements such as the lateral box jump and the plyometric push-up.

Remember all of those push-ups during the Batman Begins workout scene in his room? Christian Bale got his power to crush those push-ups by doing plyometric push-ups.

Cutting that Fat

Don't forget the American psycho! How did Christian Bale get his abs as Patrick Bateman without doing tons of crunches? All of the calories burned in this routine add up quickly to get that belly fat removed!

The Christian Bale psycho workout gave him his abs by burning off his excess body fat by training with power.

The Christian Bale workout routine may lean more towards power lifting than overall bodybuilding, but the routine achieves faster results when performed with the right intensity. Because of the amount of calories burned per workout, diets can be less strict than a bodybuilding routine.

However, eating proper nutrition will create a better overall energy level during the workout and get you the Christian Bale body much faster. Think about dieting and exercising like Christian Bale, and you will also take a no-nonsense approach with your body as much as he does with his acting. Start making progress towards the body you want today with the Christian Bale workout plan!

87 people started this plan

Workout Goals

  • Gain Mass
  • Get Ripped
  • Gain Strength

Equipment Needed

  • Barbell
  • Squat Rack
  • Dumbbells
  • Chin-Up Bar
  • Flat Bench
  • Exercise Mat
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Christian Bale Workout Plan

87 people started this plan

Workout Goals

  • Gain Mass
  • Get Ripped
  • Gain Strength

Equipment Needed

  • Barbell
  • Squat Rack
  • Dumbbells
  • Chin-Up Bar
  • Flat Bench
  • Exercise Mat
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