Reverse Grip Bent-Over Row: at the top of the row hold the barbell for 3 seconds before lowering back down.
Single-Arm Inverted Row: Reps are listed per arm.
Seated Cable Row: Instead of keeping a straight-up, rigid form, you are going to allow the weight to pull your shoulders and back in when you let the weight back in. When you pull the cable out, you are going to lean back slightly and really pinch your shoulder blades together.
The reps are not going to change throughout this workout, but as long as your form is good you should be trying to go up in weight each week. This workout is meant to be done every other day, so you will not do the same workout on the same day every week.
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6 sets, 3 reps, 01:00 rest
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5 sets, 6 reps, 01:00 rest
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3 sets, 8 reps, 01:00 rest
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3 sets, 8 reps, 01:30 rest
What's one part of the body that is a little harder to see in the mirror and thus doesn't always receive the attention in the gym that it deserves? Your back! A strong back is vital for anyone who's serious about their fitness, and no one likes a loose, flabby back anyway! Fortunately for you,... more
For the first superset of pull-ups, you are going to go until you feel you can only do 1-2 more. STOP, then continue to the next style of pull-ups (the numbers listed are good goal to aim for). On the last superset of pull-ups, you are going to go to failure for each style. If you need to, take a 10 second break when you switch the styles of pull-ups.
Single-Arm Lat Pulldown: Do 10 reps with your right arm, switch to your left arm do 10 reps, switch back to your right arm do 8 reps, and then finally switch back to your left arm and do 8 more reps. Each set you are going to do a total of 18 reps per arm. Don't take any breaks while switching back and forth to get the 18 reps.
Jump Pull-Up: You are going to try and do as many as you can in 30 seconds. The number listed is just a good goal to aim for each time.
If you want to focus on your back, this is the workout for you, and even though you are primarily working your back muscles, don't think that most of these compound exercises aren't building up other areas as well.
What's one part of the body that is a little harder to see in the mirror and thus doesn't always receive the attention in the gym that it deserves? Your back! A strong back is vital for anyone who's serious about their fitness, and no one likes a loose, flabby back anyway! Fortunately for you,... more
This workout is just to help maintain the other muscles in your body while you are focusing on your back for the other four workouts. You do not need to add any more to this workout.
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3 sets, 8 reps, 01:00 rest
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3 sets, 8 reps, 01:00 rest
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3 sets, 8 reps, 01:00 rest
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3 sets, 8 reps, 01:00 rest
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3 sets, 8 reps, 01:00 rest
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3 sets, 00:01:00
What's one part of the body that is a little harder to see in the mirror and thus doesn't always receive the attention in the gym that it deserves? Your back! A strong back is vital for anyone who's serious about their fitness, and no one likes a loose, flabby back anyway! Fortunately for you,... more
After the last superset of the incline dumbbell row and side-to-side inverted row, rest 90 second before moving on to the cross-body cable rows.
Cross-Body Cable Row: You are going to do a total of 20 reps per arm each set. Do 10 reps with your right arm, 10 with your left, 10 reps again with your right arm, and then 10 final reps with your left arm. Don't take breaks in between.
For the bent-over row superset, you are going to try and do as many as you can for each exercise. The numbers listed are just good goals. You should choose a weight that you can lift approximately 15 times for the wide-grip bent-over row. Take 10 seconds rest in between each exercise.
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What's one part of the body that is a little harder to see in the mirror and thus doesn't always receive the attention in the gym that it deserves? Your back! A strong back is vital for anyone who's serious about their fitness, and no one likes a loose, flabby back anyway! Fortunately for you,... more
Snatch Rack Pull: Hold at the top of your pull for 5 seconds and use straps to help support the weight.
Single-Arm Lat Pulldown: Reps are listed per arm, so do 6 reps with the right arm and then immediately switch to the left without any rest in between. After the final set, rest for 90 seconds before moving the weighted negative chin-ups.
Weighted Negative Chin-Up: Choose a weight that you would be able to do 1-2 regular chin ups with. Count to 3 slowly as you lower yourself down. Use a box or chair to get back up to the starting position.
Pull-Up: Pull yourself up as explosively as you can, lower yourself back down, let go of the bar, and shake your arms out for 2 seconds before the next rep. Do as many as you possibly can, the number listed is just a good goal.
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What's one part of the body that is a little harder to see in the mirror and thus doesn't always receive the attention in the gym that it deserves? Your back! A strong back is vital for anyone who's serious about their fitness, and no one likes a loose, flabby back anyway! Fortunately for you,... more