Kimbo Slice Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 3 Days per Week / Expert

1 ratings
Kimbo Slice Workout Plan

Kimbo Slice Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 3 Days per Week / Expert

1 ratings

Kimbo Slice Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 3 Days per Week / Expert

1 ratings
  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
Kimbo Slice Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps Workout

Notes for Week 1, Day 1

Kimbo Slice is know for his street fighting skills, he is a heavy weight fighter who uses raw strength and power when fighting his opponents. This workout is only going to cover the weight lifting routine that Kimbo would do. Along with lifting Kimbo is incorporating grappling, heavy bag, boxing, etc.

Focus on your form and make sure that you are pushing yourself to go heavy. Don't sacrifice form to lift more weight though. If you develop the right form then you will be able to eventually add more weight and become stronger. Use a spotter for safety and so that you can challenge yourself with a heavier weight. PRO Membership Includes

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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Chest / Beginner
5 sets, 10,8,8,6,4 reps, 02:00 rest
5 10,8,8,6,4 -- 02:00
Chest / Beginner
4 sets, 6 reps, 01:30 rest
4 6 -- 01:30
Chest / Beginner
3 sets, 8 reps, 01:30 rest
3 8 -- 01:30
3 sets, 8 reps, 01:00 rest
3 8 -- 01:00
4 sets, 6 reps, 01:30 rest
4 6 -- 01:30
3 sets, 8 reps, 01:00 rest
3 8 -- 01:00
3 sets, 8 reps, 01:00 rest
3 8 -- 01:00
3 sets, 20 reps, 01:00 rest
3 20 01:00
3 sets, 50 reps, 01:00 rest
3 50 01:00
3 sets, 00:01:15
3 00:01:15 --:--
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

Kimbo Slice has a no-nonsense attitude. The Kimbo Slice Workout Program is a no-nonsense plan to get you massive and strong. Even if professional or amateur fighting does not appeal to you, this workout will get you ripped and stronger than you have ever been. The Kimbo Slice Gym WorkoutKimbo Sl... more

Kimbo Slice has a no-nonsense attitude. The Kimbo Slice Workout Program is a no-nonsense plan to get you massive and strong. Even if professional or amateur fighting does not appeal to you, this workout will get you ripped and stronger than you have ever been.

The Kimbo Slice Gym Workout

Kimbo Slice training starts and ends with big compound moves. Compound exercises are those that will enlist multiple muscle groups at the same time. This style of training has been proven to provide the most return for time put in. The main reason this training is so effective is that because using multiple muscle groups means heavier lifts, which equates to greater gains in strength and mass.

The three workouts included in the Kimbo Slice workout routine are: the Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps Workout, the Legs Workout, and the Back and Biceps Workout. You should perform each of these workouts on non-consecutive days to allow for muscle recovery. These breaks from resistance training also provide an opportunity for actual mixed martial arts training, if you are a practitioner.

Tweak as Needed

You will be using moderate to low repetitions on most of these exercises. One of the most important goals is to find the weight that makes it barely possible to get these reps out. You should be spent by the last rep. If you can do more repetitions than prescribed, increase the weight the next time around.

Likewise, if you cannot make it to the desired number of reps, decrease the resistance and find the balance.

Write Down Everything

When taking on a mass and strength building program, such as the Kimbo Slice workout, it is very beneficial to make notes of every nature. Record every weight used on every rep of every set. Your goal should always be to increase where possible. Only by keeping a log can you know exactly what you did in the previous workout and what to aim for.

Nutrition and sleeping logs also will aid you in your quest. The Kimbo Slice training routine is intense and will require adequate nutrition to fuel workouts, as well as recover from them. By logging your dietary intake and how much sleep you get, you may be able to find what works best to pound out more intense and focused workouts each time. Doing so will reward you with maximum benefits from all your endeavors.

The Kimbo workout is not your run of the mill type of workout routine. This comprehensive strength plan can help get you strong and powerful for practically any purpose, including mixed martial arts. If your goals include getting massive and stronger than ever, take the leap and get started on the Kimbo Slice Workout Plan today!

Kimbo Slice Legs Workout

Notes for Week 1, Day 2

For these three workouts you are going to switch up how you do the lifts. You are going to alternate between slow and steady lift days and fast/explosive lift days. It is important to build that raw powerful strength but also you need to be able to have that quick striking power.

The repetitions are not going to go up from week to week but you should be trying to go up in weight each week. Push yourself to get stronger. For the ab work find a weight that is difficult for you to complete the repetitions listed. PRO Membership Includes

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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Quads / Beginner
5 sets, 8,6,6,4,4 reps, 02:00 rest
5 8,6,6,4,4 -- 02:00
Quads / Beginner
5 sets, 10 reps, 01:00 rest
5 10 -- 01:00
Hamstrings / Expert
3 sets, 4 reps, 01:30 rest
3 4 -- 01:30
3 sets, 8 reps, 01:00 rest
3 8 -- 01:00
3 sets, 10 reps, 01:00 rest
3 10 -- 01:00
3 sets, 15 reps, 01:00 rest
3 15 -- 01:00
3 sets, 00:01:15
3 00:01:15 --:--
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

Kimbo Slice has a no-nonsense attitude. The Kimbo Slice Workout Program is a no-nonsense plan to get you massive and strong. Even if professional or amateur fighting does not appeal to you, this workout will get you ripped and stronger than you have ever been. The Kimbo Slice Gym WorkoutKimbo Sl... more

Kimbo Slice has a no-nonsense attitude. The Kimbo Slice Workout Program is a no-nonsense plan to get you massive and strong. Even if professional or amateur fighting does not appeal to you, this workout will get you ripped and stronger than you have ever been.

The Kimbo Slice Gym Workout

Kimbo Slice training starts and ends with big compound moves. Compound exercises are those that will enlist multiple muscle groups at the same time. This style of training has been proven to provide the most return for time put in. The main reason this training is so effective is that because using multiple muscle groups means heavier lifts, which equates to greater gains in strength and mass.

The three workouts included in the Kimbo Slice workout routine are: the Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps Workout, the Legs Workout, and the Back and Biceps Workout. You should perform each of these workouts on non-consecutive days to allow for muscle recovery. These breaks from resistance training also provide an opportunity for actual mixed martial arts training, if you are a practitioner.

Tweak as Needed

You will be using moderate to low repetitions on most of these exercises. One of the most important goals is to find the weight that makes it barely possible to get these reps out. You should be spent by the last rep. If you can do more repetitions than prescribed, increase the weight the next time around.

Likewise, if you cannot make it to the desired number of reps, decrease the resistance and find the balance.

Write Down Everything

When taking on a mass and strength building program, such as the Kimbo Slice workout, it is very beneficial to make notes of every nature. Record every weight used on every rep of every set. Your goal should always be to increase where possible. Only by keeping a log can you know exactly what you did in the previous workout and what to aim for.

Nutrition and sleeping logs also will aid you in your quest. The Kimbo Slice training routine is intense and will require adequate nutrition to fuel workouts, as well as recover from them. By logging your dietary intake and how much sleep you get, you may be able to find what works best to pound out more intense and focused workouts each time. Doing so will reward you with maximum benefits from all your endeavors.

The Kimbo workout is not your run of the mill type of workout routine. This comprehensive strength plan can help get you strong and powerful for practically any purpose, including mixed martial arts. If your goals include getting massive and stronger than ever, take the leap and get started on the Kimbo Slice Workout Plan today!

Kimbo Slice Back & Biceps Workout

Notes for Week 1, Day 3

Punching power comes a lot from technique but if you have the right technique and you can put some power behind it, then you become lethal. Kimbo Slice has figured out the right combination. Although he might not have had the best MMA career no one can argue that Kimbo did not have heavy hands. This come from being naturally gifted but also from hours spent in the weight room.

This workout is designed specifically to develop strength and mass. That is why almost all the exercises are compound lifts. Compound lifts are great because they require more then one muscle group to work and this helps you build that core strength. PRO Membership Includes

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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Middle Back / Intermediate
3 sets, 8,5,5 reps, 01:00 rest
3 8,5,5 -- 01:00
Middle Back / Intermediate
3 sets, 8,5,5 reps, 01:00 rest
3 8,5,5 -- 01:00
Traps / Beginner
3 sets, 6 reps, 01:00 rest
3 6 -- 01:00
3 sets, 8 reps, 01:00 rest
3 8 -- 01:00
3 sets, 8 reps, 01:00 rest
3 8 -- 01:00
3 sets, 8 reps, 01:00 rest
3 8 -- 01:00
3 sets, 8 reps, 01:00 rest
3 8 -- 01:00
3 sets, 25 reps, 01:00 rest
3 25 01:00
3 sets, 40 reps
3 40 --:--
3 sets, 40 reps, 01:00 rest
3 40 01:00
3 sets, 00:01:15
3 00:01:15 --:--
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

Kimbo Slice has a no-nonsense attitude. The Kimbo Slice Workout Program is a no-nonsense plan to get you massive and strong. Even if professional or amateur fighting does not appeal to you, this workout will get you ripped and stronger than you have ever been. The Kimbo Slice Gym WorkoutKimbo Sl... more

Kimbo Slice has a no-nonsense attitude. The Kimbo Slice Workout Program is a no-nonsense plan to get you massive and strong. Even if professional or amateur fighting does not appeal to you, this workout will get you ripped and stronger than you have ever been.

The Kimbo Slice Gym Workout

Kimbo Slice training starts and ends with big compound moves. Compound exercises are those that will enlist multiple muscle groups at the same time. This style of training has been proven to provide the most return for time put in. The main reason this training is so effective is that because using multiple muscle groups means heavier lifts, which equates to greater gains in strength and mass.

The three workouts included in the Kimbo Slice workout routine are: the Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps Workout, the Legs Workout, and the Back and Biceps Workout. You should perform each of these workouts on non-consecutive days to allow for muscle recovery. These breaks from resistance training also provide an opportunity for actual mixed martial arts training, if you are a practitioner.

Tweak as Needed

You will be using moderate to low repetitions on most of these exercises. One of the most important goals is to find the weight that makes it barely possible to get these reps out. You should be spent by the last rep. If you can do more repetitions than prescribed, increase the weight the next time around.

Likewise, if you cannot make it to the desired number of reps, decrease the resistance and find the balance.

Write Down Everything

When taking on a mass and strength building program, such as the Kimbo Slice workout, it is very beneficial to make notes of every nature. Record every weight used on every rep of every set. Your goal should always be to increase where possible. Only by keeping a log can you know exactly what you did in the previous workout and what to aim for.

Nutrition and sleeping logs also will aid you in your quest. The Kimbo Slice training routine is intense and will require adequate nutrition to fuel workouts, as well as recover from them. By logging your dietary intake and how much sleep you get, you may be able to find what works best to pound out more intense and focused workouts each time. Doing so will reward you with maximum benefits from all your endeavors.

The Kimbo workout is not your run of the mill type of workout routine. This comprehensive strength plan can help get you strong and powerful for practically any purpose, including mixed martial arts. If your goals include getting massive and stronger than ever, take the leap and get started on the Kimbo Slice Workout Plan today!

120 people started this plan

Workout Goals

  • Gain Mass
  • Gain Strength

Equipment Needed

  • Dumbbells
  • Barbell
  • Flat Bench
  • Smith Machine
  • Incline Bench
  • Squat Rack
Show All

2 Reviews

  • kylejr
    almost 13 years ago

    This will be my next workout lest see what happens

  • kylejr
    over 12 years ago

    This was a good workout program if your look to gain strength this is great for that I recommend to go up 5lbs to 10lbs every week on each lift this really is a good one

Kimbo Slice Workout Plan

120 people started this plan

Workout Goals

  • Gain Mass
  • Gain Strength

Equipment Needed

  • Dumbbells
  • Barbell
  • Flat Bench
  • Smith Machine
  • Incline Bench
  • Squat Rack
Show All