Muscle Mass Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 6 Days per Week / Expert

Muscle Mass Workout Plan

Muscle Mass Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 6 Days per Week / Expert

Muscle Mass Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 6 Days per Week / Expert

  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
  • Day 4
  • Day 5
  • Day 6
Muscle Mass Legs Workout

Notes for Week 1, Day 1

For the leg press the last two sets are going to be drop sets. This means that you are going to start with a weight that you can do 10 times and immediately after you get 10 repetitions you are going to take a 10 or 25 lb plate off each side and continue. Drop weight every time you can't lift it anymore and don't stop till you get 20 total reps.

For this muscle mass workout you are going to break down and isolate ever muscle group. You are working out six days a week, each day of the week is a different muscle group. This means that you need to push yourself everyday as hard as you can on that muscle group. The muscle mass workout allows your muscles to get the rest that they need as well too because each muscle group gets a whole week in between workouts. Muscles need time to repair themselves and build up even bigger then before. PRO Membership Includes

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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Quads / Beginner
6 sets, 8 reps, 01:00 rest
6 8 -- 01:00
Quads / Beginner
4 sets, 8,8,20,20 reps, 01:00 rest
4 8,8,20,20 -- 01:00
Quads / Intermediate
4 sets, 8 reps, 01:00 rest
4 8 -- 01:00
4 sets, 8 reps, 01:00 rest
4 8 -- 01:00
4 sets, 8 reps, 01:00 rest
4 8 -- 01:00
4 sets, 8 reps, 01:00 rest
4 8 -- 01:00
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

The Muscle Mass workout is a hefty six day workout routine for building muscle mass. It is designed for people who have been training a while and is definitely not for the squeamish. It is one of the most solid workout routines for muscle mass, and features a body-part split; but is split with th... more

The Muscle Mass workout is a hefty six day workout routine for building muscle mass. It is designed for people who have been training a while and is definitely not for the squeamish. It is one of the most solid workout routines for muscle mass, and features a body-part split; but is split with the third day for cardio and abs, giving your muscles a little recovery time.

It starts with the big muscle groups in the legs then chest, cardio/abs, back, shoulders, arms, then one full rest day. It is designed for someone who wants to build muscle mass, but also can recover quickly from their workout.

Muscle Mass Workout Schedule

There are four rotations in the Muscle Mass workout routine, and it takes 30 days. The sets stay the same, but the reps change from week one to week three, then week four is a repeat.

One of the keys that make this one of the expert muscle mass workouts is the planned rest time. The exercises call for just a one minute rest between sets, or no rest at all with supersets. Keep this in mind as you plan the weight you are going to lift. If you need to take more than one minute rest for a few sets that is fine, but you should stick to the planned rest time as much as possible to build muscle mass.

Gain Muscle Mass Workout

The exercises are pretty straightforward. Nothing fancy, just mass building workout routines of compound and isolation exercises bodybuilders have been using for years to increase muscle mass.

Hammies, quads and calves get the full treatment in workout one. The entire chest gets hit with benching, flyes and dips. During the first week the cardio and ab day might seem like cheating, but it will be a welcome break in the next rotations. The back gets a great push/pull treatment, and all three heads of the delts get worked nicely on shoulder day. Rounding it out with a full day devoted to arms is a great way to end the week.

It does not hurt to reiterate even to experienced lifters the importance of using enough weight on the bar to make sure you are getting solid reps, and make sure you are using proper form. Check the exercise section to make sure that you are doing the exercises properly. You should try and add weight to the bar each workout in order to build muscle mass, but only if your form does not suffer.

How to Gain Muscle Mass

One of the mistakes lifters often make while doing mass building workouts is not eating enough to gain muscle weight. You do not have to go overboard, but it will help to eat over maintenance while doing a muscle mass workout program in order to have enough nutrients to repair the muscles, aid in recovery and get muscle mass. This is an advanced routine for building muscle mass and is not a workout to be on while dieting.

Start following this Muscle Mass Workout Plan and see your body grow in leaps and bounds!

Muscle Mass Chest Workout

Notes for Week 1, Day 2

For the chest dips try for 20 repetitions or until failure each set. For this muscle mass workout you are going to break down and isolate ever muscle group. You are working out six days a week, each day of the week is a different muscle group. This means that you need to push yourself everyday as hard as you can on that muscle group. The muscle mass workout allows your muscles to get the rest that they need as well too because each muscle group gets a whole week in between workouts. Muscles need time to repair themselves and build up even bigger then before. PRO Membership Includes

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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Chest / Beginner
5 sets, 8 reps, 01:00 rest
5 8 -- 01:00
Chest / Beginner
4 sets, 8 reps, 01:00 rest
4 8 -- 01:00
Chest / Beginner
4 sets, 8 reps, 01:00 rest
4 8 -- 01:00
4 sets, 8 reps, 01:00 rest
4 8 -- 01:00
3 sets, 20 reps, 01:00 rest
3 20 01:00
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

The Muscle Mass workout is a hefty six day workout routine for building muscle mass. It is designed for people who have been training a while and is definitely not for the squeamish. It is one of the most solid workout routines for muscle mass, and features a body-part split; but is split with th... more

The Muscle Mass workout is a hefty six day workout routine for building muscle mass. It is designed for people who have been training a while and is definitely not for the squeamish. It is one of the most solid workout routines for muscle mass, and features a body-part split; but is split with the third day for cardio and abs, giving your muscles a little recovery time.

It starts with the big muscle groups in the legs then chest, cardio/abs, back, shoulders, arms, then one full rest day. It is designed for someone who wants to build muscle mass, but also can recover quickly from their workout.

Muscle Mass Workout Schedule

There are four rotations in the Muscle Mass workout routine, and it takes 30 days. The sets stay the same, but the reps change from week one to week three, then week four is a repeat.

One of the keys that make this one of the expert muscle mass workouts is the planned rest time. The exercises call for just a one minute rest between sets, or no rest at all with supersets. Keep this in mind as you plan the weight you are going to lift. If you need to take more than one minute rest for a few sets that is fine, but you should stick to the planned rest time as much as possible to build muscle mass.

Gain Muscle Mass Workout

The exercises are pretty straightforward. Nothing fancy, just mass building workout routines of compound and isolation exercises bodybuilders have been using for years to increase muscle mass.

Hammies, quads and calves get the full treatment in workout one. The entire chest gets hit with benching, flyes and dips. During the first week the cardio and ab day might seem like cheating, but it will be a welcome break in the next rotations. The back gets a great push/pull treatment, and all three heads of the delts get worked nicely on shoulder day. Rounding it out with a full day devoted to arms is a great way to end the week.

It does not hurt to reiterate even to experienced lifters the importance of using enough weight on the bar to make sure you are getting solid reps, and make sure you are using proper form. Check the exercise section to make sure that you are doing the exercises properly. You should try and add weight to the bar each workout in order to build muscle mass, but only if your form does not suffer.

How to Gain Muscle Mass

One of the mistakes lifters often make while doing mass building workouts is not eating enough to gain muscle weight. You do not have to go overboard, but it will help to eat over maintenance while doing a muscle mass workout program in order to have enough nutrients to repair the muscles, aid in recovery and get muscle mass. This is an advanced routine for building muscle mass and is not a workout to be on while dieting.

Start following this Muscle Mass Workout Plan and see your body grow in leaps and bounds!

Muscle Mass Cardio and Abs Workout

Notes for Week 1, Day 3

For the ab exercises if you can't do all the repetitions just go till failure. For this muscle mass workout you are going to break down and isolate ever muscle group. You are working out six days a week, each day of the week is a different muscle group. This means that you need to push yourself everyday as hard as you can on that muscle group. The muscle mass workout allows your muscles to get the rest that they need as well too because each muscle group gets a whole week in between workouts. Muscles need time to repair themselves and build up even bigger then before. PRO Membership Includes

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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Quads / Beginner
1 sets, 00:30:00
1 -- 00:30:00 --:--
Abs / Expert
4 sets, 30 reps, 01:00 rest
4 30 01:00
Abs / Beginner
4 sets, 50 reps, 01:00 rest
4 50 01:00
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

The Muscle Mass workout is a hefty six day workout routine for building muscle mass. It is designed for people who have been training a while and is definitely not for the squeamish. It is one of the most solid workout routines for muscle mass, and features a body-part split; but is split with th... more

The Muscle Mass workout is a hefty six day workout routine for building muscle mass. It is designed for people who have been training a while and is definitely not for the squeamish. It is one of the most solid workout routines for muscle mass, and features a body-part split; but is split with the third day for cardio and abs, giving your muscles a little recovery time.

It starts with the big muscle groups in the legs then chest, cardio/abs, back, shoulders, arms, then one full rest day. It is designed for someone who wants to build muscle mass, but also can recover quickly from their workout.

Muscle Mass Workout Schedule

There are four rotations in the Muscle Mass workout routine, and it takes 30 days. The sets stay the same, but the reps change from week one to week three, then week four is a repeat.

One of the keys that make this one of the expert muscle mass workouts is the planned rest time. The exercises call for just a one minute rest between sets, or no rest at all with supersets. Keep this in mind as you plan the weight you are going to lift. If you need to take more than one minute rest for a few sets that is fine, but you should stick to the planned rest time as much as possible to build muscle mass.

Gain Muscle Mass Workout

The exercises are pretty straightforward. Nothing fancy, just mass building workout routines of compound and isolation exercises bodybuilders have been using for years to increase muscle mass.

Hammies, quads and calves get the full treatment in workout one. The entire chest gets hit with benching, flyes and dips. During the first week the cardio and ab day might seem like cheating, but it will be a welcome break in the next rotations. The back gets a great push/pull treatment, and all three heads of the delts get worked nicely on shoulder day. Rounding it out with a full day devoted to arms is a great way to end the week.

It does not hurt to reiterate even to experienced lifters the importance of using enough weight on the bar to make sure you are getting solid reps, and make sure you are using proper form. Check the exercise section to make sure that you are doing the exercises properly. You should try and add weight to the bar each workout in order to build muscle mass, but only if your form does not suffer.

How to Gain Muscle Mass

One of the mistakes lifters often make while doing mass building workouts is not eating enough to gain muscle weight. You do not have to go overboard, but it will help to eat over maintenance while doing a muscle mass workout program in order to have enough nutrients to repair the muscles, aid in recovery and get muscle mass. This is an advanced routine for building muscle mass and is not a workout to be on while dieting.

Start following this Muscle Mass Workout Plan and see your body grow in leaps and bounds!

Muscle Mass Back Workout

Notes for Week 1, Day 4

For the pull-up and the seated cable row if you cannot complete the repetitions go until failure each set. For this muscle mass workout you are going to break down and isolate ever muscle group. You are working out six days a week, each day of the week is a different muscle group. This means that you need to push yourself everyday as hard as you can on that muscle group. The muscle mass workout allows your muscles to get the rest that they need as well too because each muscle group gets a whole week in between workouts. Muscles need time to repair themselves and build up even bigger then before. PRO Membership Includes

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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Lats / Intermediate
Middle Back / Intermediate
Middle Back / Intermediate
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

The Muscle Mass workout is a hefty six day workout routine for building muscle mass. It is designed for people who have been training a while and is definitely not for the squeamish. It is one of the most solid workout routines for muscle mass, and features a body-part split; but is split with th... more

The Muscle Mass workout is a hefty six day workout routine for building muscle mass. It is designed for people who have been training a while and is definitely not for the squeamish. It is one of the most solid workout routines for muscle mass, and features a body-part split; but is split with the third day for cardio and abs, giving your muscles a little recovery time.

It starts with the big muscle groups in the legs then chest, cardio/abs, back, shoulders, arms, then one full rest day. It is designed for someone who wants to build muscle mass, but also can recover quickly from their workout.

Muscle Mass Workout Schedule

There are four rotations in the Muscle Mass workout routine, and it takes 30 days. The sets stay the same, but the reps change from week one to week three, then week four is a repeat.

One of the keys that make this one of the expert muscle mass workouts is the planned rest time. The exercises call for just a one minute rest between sets, or no rest at all with supersets. Keep this in mind as you plan the weight you are going to lift. If you need to take more than one minute rest for a few sets that is fine, but you should stick to the planned rest time as much as possible to build muscle mass.

Gain Muscle Mass Workout

The exercises are pretty straightforward. Nothing fancy, just mass building workout routines of compound and isolation exercises bodybuilders have been using for years to increase muscle mass.

Hammies, quads and calves get the full treatment in workout one. The entire chest gets hit with benching, flyes and dips. During the first week the cardio and ab day might seem like cheating, but it will be a welcome break in the next rotations. The back gets a great push/pull treatment, and all three heads of the delts get worked nicely on shoulder day. Rounding it out with a full day devoted to arms is a great way to end the week.

It does not hurt to reiterate even to experienced lifters the importance of using enough weight on the bar to make sure you are getting solid reps, and make sure you are using proper form. Check the exercise section to make sure that you are doing the exercises properly. You should try and add weight to the bar each workout in order to build muscle mass, but only if your form does not suffer.

How to Gain Muscle Mass

One of the mistakes lifters often make while doing mass building workouts is not eating enough to gain muscle weight. You do not have to go overboard, but it will help to eat over maintenance while doing a muscle mass workout program in order to have enough nutrients to repair the muscles, aid in recovery and get muscle mass. This is an advanced routine for building muscle mass and is not a workout to be on while dieting.

Start following this Muscle Mass Workout Plan and see your body grow in leaps and bounds!

Muscle Mass Shoulders Workout

Notes for Week 1, Day 5

For this muscle mass workout you are going to break down and isolate ever muscle group. You are working out six days a week, each day of the week is a different muscle group. This means that you need to push yourself everyday as hard as you can on that muscle group. The muscle mass workout allows your muscles to get the rest that they need as well too because each muscle group gets a whole week in between workouts. Muscles need time to repair themselves and build up even bigger then before. PRO Membership Includes

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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Shoulders / Beginner
Shoulders / Beginner
Shoulders / Beginner
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

The Muscle Mass workout is a hefty six day workout routine for building muscle mass. It is designed for people who have been training a while and is definitely not for the squeamish. It is one of the most solid workout routines for muscle mass, and features a body-part split; but is split with th... more

The Muscle Mass workout is a hefty six day workout routine for building muscle mass. It is designed for people who have been training a while and is definitely not for the squeamish. It is one of the most solid workout routines for muscle mass, and features a body-part split; but is split with the third day for cardio and abs, giving your muscles a little recovery time.

It starts with the big muscle groups in the legs then chest, cardio/abs, back, shoulders, arms, then one full rest day. It is designed for someone who wants to build muscle mass, but also can recover quickly from their workout.

Muscle Mass Workout Schedule

There are four rotations in the Muscle Mass workout routine, and it takes 30 days. The sets stay the same, but the reps change from week one to week three, then week four is a repeat.

One of the keys that make this one of the expert muscle mass workouts is the planned rest time. The exercises call for just a one minute rest between sets, or no rest at all with supersets. Keep this in mind as you plan the weight you are going to lift. If you need to take more than one minute rest for a few sets that is fine, but you should stick to the planned rest time as much as possible to build muscle mass.

Gain Muscle Mass Workout

The exercises are pretty straightforward. Nothing fancy, just mass building workout routines of compound and isolation exercises bodybuilders have been using for years to increase muscle mass.

Hammies, quads and calves get the full treatment in workout one. The entire chest gets hit with benching, flyes and dips. During the first week the cardio and ab day might seem like cheating, but it will be a welcome break in the next rotations. The back gets a great push/pull treatment, and all three heads of the delts get worked nicely on shoulder day. Rounding it out with a full day devoted to arms is a great way to end the week.

It does not hurt to reiterate even to experienced lifters the importance of using enough weight on the bar to make sure you are getting solid reps, and make sure you are using proper form. Check the exercise section to make sure that you are doing the exercises properly. You should try and add weight to the bar each workout in order to build muscle mass, but only if your form does not suffer.

How to Gain Muscle Mass

One of the mistakes lifters often make while doing mass building workouts is not eating enough to gain muscle weight. You do not have to go overboard, but it will help to eat over maintenance while doing a muscle mass workout program in order to have enough nutrients to repair the muscles, aid in recovery and get muscle mass. This is an advanced routine for building muscle mass and is not a workout to be on while dieting.

Start following this Muscle Mass Workout Plan and see your body grow in leaps and bounds!

Muscle Mass Arms Workout

Notes for Week 1, Day 6

For this muscle mass workout you are going to break down and isolate ever muscle group. You are working out six days a week, each day of the week is a different muscle group. This means that you need to push yourself everyday as hard as you can on that muscle group. The muscle mass workout allows your muscles to get the rest that they need as well too because each muscle group gets a whole week in between workouts. Muscles need time to repair themselves and build up even bigger then before. PRO Membership Includes

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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Biceps / Beginner
Triceps / Beginner
Biceps / Beginner
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

The Muscle Mass workout is a hefty six day workout routine for building muscle mass. It is designed for people who have been training a while and is definitely not for the squeamish. It is one of the most solid workout routines for muscle mass, and features a body-part split; but is split with th... more

The Muscle Mass workout is a hefty six day workout routine for building muscle mass. It is designed for people who have been training a while and is definitely not for the squeamish. It is one of the most solid workout routines for muscle mass, and features a body-part split; but is split with the third day for cardio and abs, giving your muscles a little recovery time.

It starts with the big muscle groups in the legs then chest, cardio/abs, back, shoulders, arms, then one full rest day. It is designed for someone who wants to build muscle mass, but also can recover quickly from their workout.

Muscle Mass Workout Schedule

There are four rotations in the Muscle Mass workout routine, and it takes 30 days. The sets stay the same, but the reps change from week one to week three, then week four is a repeat.

One of the keys that make this one of the expert muscle mass workouts is the planned rest time. The exercises call for just a one minute rest between sets, or no rest at all with supersets. Keep this in mind as you plan the weight you are going to lift. If you need to take more than one minute rest for a few sets that is fine, but you should stick to the planned rest time as much as possible to build muscle mass.

Gain Muscle Mass Workout

The exercises are pretty straightforward. Nothing fancy, just mass building workout routines of compound and isolation exercises bodybuilders have been using for years to increase muscle mass.

Hammies, quads and calves get the full treatment in workout one. The entire chest gets hit with benching, flyes and dips. During the first week the cardio and ab day might seem like cheating, but it will be a welcome break in the next rotations. The back gets a great push/pull treatment, and all three heads of the delts get worked nicely on shoulder day. Rounding it out with a full day devoted to arms is a great way to end the week.

It does not hurt to reiterate even to experienced lifters the importance of using enough weight on the bar to make sure you are getting solid reps, and make sure you are using proper form. Check the exercise section to make sure that you are doing the exercises properly. You should try and add weight to the bar each workout in order to build muscle mass, but only if your form does not suffer.

How to Gain Muscle Mass

One of the mistakes lifters often make while doing mass building workouts is not eating enough to gain muscle weight. You do not have to go overboard, but it will help to eat over maintenance while doing a muscle mass workout program in order to have enough nutrients to repair the muscles, aid in recovery and get muscle mass. This is an advanced routine for building muscle mass and is not a workout to be on while dieting.

Start following this Muscle Mass Workout Plan and see your body grow in leaps and bounds!

310 people started this plan

Workout Goals

  • Gain Mass
  • Gain Strength

Equipment Needed

  • Barbell
  • Flat Bench
  • Squat Rack
  • Dumbbells
  • Cable Machine
  • Chin-Up Bar
Show All
Muscle Mass Workout Plan

310 people started this plan

Workout Goals

  • Gain Mass
  • Gain Strength

Equipment Needed

  • Barbell
  • Flat Bench
  • Squat Rack
  • Dumbbells
  • Cable Machine
  • Chin-Up Bar
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