Muscular Endurance Workout Plan

5 Weeks / 4 Days per Week / Intermediate

Muscular Endurance Workout Plan

Muscular Endurance Workout Plan

5 Weeks / 4 Days per Week / Intermediate

Muscular Endurance Workout Plan

5 Weeks / 4 Days per Week / Intermediate

  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
  • Day 4
Muscular Endurance Abs, Back, Legs, & Shoulders Workout

Notes for Week 1, Day 1

The sets/reps, in the above Muscular Endurance Workout, are scheduled to produce strength but more importantly muscular endurance. In order to obtain this muscular endurance, the sets/reps are constantly rising and are always 3-4 sets and 10-12 reps. This allows for your slow twitch muscle fibers to become accustomed to the weight training and to become stronger for a longer period of time.

For the Beginners, you can incorporate more rest into your workout. Set rest goals and slowly decrease your rest time. Try not to lower the sets/reps as this could alter your weight training results. If you must lower the sets/reps, try to just workout Week #1 for the whole Muscular Endurance Workout Plan.

For the Advanced, you can try and insert more superset exercises for a really intense workout. This workout can be a great workout too help tone your total body. It will also help with your endurance. This will allow you too push yourself harder on your next Advanced Workout.

Try to complete the Muscular Endurance exercises in the shortest time possible. Keep your heart rate high and your muscles moving. Supersets will help with keeping your hear rate high. Make sure your form is perfect and you are isolating the muscles being exercised. Find a weight that you are able to do throughout the whole week and push yourself to the limit for optimal Muscular Endurance. PRO Membership Includes

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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Shoulders / Intermediate
3 sets, 15 reps
3 15 -- --:--
Shoulders / Beginner
3 sets, 15 reps, 01:00 rest
3 15 -- 01:00
Lats / Beginner
3 sets, 15 reps
3 15 -- --:--
3 sets, 15 reps
3 15 -- --:--
3 sets, 15 reps, 01:00 rest
3 15 -- 01:00
3 sets, 20 reps, 01:00 rest
3 20 01:00
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

Muscular endurance can be one of the most overlooked elements of personal fitness. Unfortunately, many people focus on their goals of being more muscular or more defined without making the fundamental changes to the way their body works that will allow them to get there faster. The Muscular Endur... more

Muscular endurance can be one of the most overlooked elements of personal fitness. Unfortunately, many people focus on their goals of being more muscular or more defined without making the fundamental changes to the way their body works that will allow them to get there faster. The Muscular Endurance workout plan is designed to solve this problem.

The Muscular Endurance workout routine is designed to develop one's ability to participate in exercise or athletic activity for long periods of time. This can have a "multiplier" effect of making every workout more efficient, allowing you to reach your fitness goals faster.

There are two types of muscle fibers: "slow twitch" and "fast twitch." Muscular endurance refers to the relative strength and development of "slow twitch" muscle fibers, which are not as strong as "fast twitch" fibers, but fatigue much more slowly. This workout therefore focuses on increasing the resistance ability of your body's "slow twitch" fibers.

Slow twitch fibers are essential to any activity in which muscular effort must be exerted over a long period of time, such as most sports and intense physical activities such as rock climbing and long-distance running. The development of "slow twitch" fibers is also essential for performing cardio over a long period of time, which has obvious implications for weight loss, as well as the development of the muscle strength necessary to truly have a fit, toned body.

The Muscular Endurance workout plan is mainly composed of weeks in which high numbers of repetitions (or "reps") are performed during high numbers of sets. Specifically, to develop muscle endurance, this workout plan recommends that the exercises of which it is comprised be performed in three sets of between 10-15 reps each.

This workout is specifically designed to develop muscular endurance throughout your whole body. Instead of being based on "splits," in which particular muscles are worked no more than once per week, this workout plan is more of a "circuit" plan that exercises most muscles in your body in every workout. This ensures that you develop more muscle endurance in a shorter period of time.

The Muscular Endurance workout plan can also be adjusted depending on one's current workout level. The length of rest periods, as well as the weight per repetition, are meant to be gradually changed as muscular endurance develops further. This makes it a great workout plan to follow regardless of your current fitness level.

If you've been getting out of breath playing street hockey or pick-up basketball with your friends, or if you just want that extra edge that can help you work out harder and longer and reach your fitness goals faster, consider the Muscular Endurance workout routine.

For many people, the development of muscle endurance turns out to be an overlooked element of their fitness program that allows them to make the gains they have been unable to reach with other workout plans. This workout plan can therefore keep you motivated to improve your fitness even more in the future.

Muscular Endurance Abs, Chest, Arms, & Legs Workout

Notes for Week 1, Day 2

The sets/reps, in the above Muscular Endurance Workout, are scheduled to produce strength but more importantly muscular endurance. In order to obtain this muscular endurance, the sets/reps are constantly rising and are always 3-4 sets and 10-12 reps. This allows for your slow twitch muscle fibers to become accustomed to the weight training and to become stronger for a longer period of time.

For the Beginners, you can incorporate more rest into your workout. Set rest goals and slowly decrease your rest time. Try not to lower the sets/reps as this could alter your weight training results. If you must lower the sets/reps, try to just workout Week #1 for the whole Muscular Endurance Workout Plan.

For the Advanced, you can try and insert more superset exercises for a really intense workout. This workout can be a great workout too help tone your total body. It will also help with your endurance. This will allow you too push yourself harder on your next Advanced Workout.

Try to complete the Muscular Endurance exercises in the shortest time possible. Keep your heart rate high and your muscles moving. Supersets will help with keeping your hear rate high. Make sure your form is perfect and you are isolating the muscles being exercised. Find a weight that you are able to do throughout the whole week and push yourself to the limit for optimal Muscular Endurance. PRO Membership Includes

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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Lats / Intermediate
3 sets, 15 reps
3 15 --:--
Abs / Intermediate
3 sets, 15 reps, 01:00 rest
3 15 -- 01:00
Chest / Beginner
3 sets, 15 reps
3 15 -- --:--
3 sets, 15 reps
3 15 -- --:--
3 sets, 15 reps, 01:00 rest
3 15 -- 01:00
3 sets, 20 reps, 01:00 rest
3 20 -- 01:00
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

Muscular endurance can be one of the most overlooked elements of personal fitness. Unfortunately, many people focus on their goals of being more muscular or more defined without making the fundamental changes to the way their body works that will allow them to get there faster. The Muscular Endur... more

Muscular endurance can be one of the most overlooked elements of personal fitness. Unfortunately, many people focus on their goals of being more muscular or more defined without making the fundamental changes to the way their body works that will allow them to get there faster. The Muscular Endurance workout plan is designed to solve this problem.

The Muscular Endurance workout routine is designed to develop one's ability to participate in exercise or athletic activity for long periods of time. This can have a "multiplier" effect of making every workout more efficient, allowing you to reach your fitness goals faster.

There are two types of muscle fibers: "slow twitch" and "fast twitch." Muscular endurance refers to the relative strength and development of "slow twitch" muscle fibers, which are not as strong as "fast twitch" fibers, but fatigue much more slowly. This workout therefore focuses on increasing the resistance ability of your body's "slow twitch" fibers.

Slow twitch fibers are essential to any activity in which muscular effort must be exerted over a long period of time, such as most sports and intense physical activities such as rock climbing and long-distance running. The development of "slow twitch" fibers is also essential for performing cardio over a long period of time, which has obvious implications for weight loss, as well as the development of the muscle strength necessary to truly have a fit, toned body.

The Muscular Endurance workout plan is mainly composed of weeks in which high numbers of repetitions (or "reps") are performed during high numbers of sets. Specifically, to develop muscle endurance, this workout plan recommends that the exercises of which it is comprised be performed in three sets of between 10-15 reps each.

This workout is specifically designed to develop muscular endurance throughout your whole body. Instead of being based on "splits," in which particular muscles are worked no more than once per week, this workout plan is more of a "circuit" plan that exercises most muscles in your body in every workout. This ensures that you develop more muscle endurance in a shorter period of time.

The Muscular Endurance workout plan can also be adjusted depending on one's current workout level. The length of rest periods, as well as the weight per repetition, are meant to be gradually changed as muscular endurance develops further. This makes it a great workout plan to follow regardless of your current fitness level.

If you've been getting out of breath playing street hockey or pick-up basketball with your friends, or if you just want that extra edge that can help you work out harder and longer and reach your fitness goals faster, consider the Muscular Endurance workout routine.

For many people, the development of muscle endurance turns out to be an overlooked element of their fitness program that allows them to make the gains they have been unable to reach with other workout plans. This workout plan can therefore keep you motivated to improve your fitness even more in the future.

Muscular Endurance Total Body Workout

Notes for Week 1, Day 3

The sets/reps, in the above Muscular Endurance Workout, are scheduled to produce strength but more importantly muscular endurance. In order to obtain this muscular endurance, the sets/reps are constantly rising and are always 3-4 sets and 10-12 reps. This allows for your slow twitch muscle fibers to become accustomed to the weight training and to become stronger for a longer period of time.

For the Beginners, you can incorporate more rest into your workout. Set rest goals and slowly decrease your rest time. Try not to lower the sets/reps as this could alter your weight training results. If you must lower the sets/reps, try to just workout Week #1 for the whole Muscular Endurance Workout Plan.

For the Advanced, you can try and insert more superset exercises for a really intense workout. This workout can be a great workout too help tone your total body. It will also help with your endurance. This will allow you too push yourself harder on your next Advanced Workout.

Try to complete the Muscular Endurance exercises in the shortest time possible. Keep your heart rate high and your muscles moving. Supersets will help with keeping your hear rate high. Make sure your form is perfect and you are isolating the muscles being exercised. Find a weight that you are able to do throughout the whole week and push yourself to the limit for optimal Muscular Endurance. PRO Membership Includes

Online Workout Tracking
Step-By-Step Video Tutorials
Advanced Workout Stats
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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Shoulders / Expert
3 sets, 15 reps
3 15 -- --:--
Quads / Intermediate
3 sets, 15 reps, 01:00 rest
3 15 -- 01:00
Quads / Intermediate
3 sets, 15 reps
3 15 --:--
3 sets, 15 reps, 01:00 rest
3 15 -- 01:00
3 sets, 15 reps
3 15 -- --:--
3 sets, 15 reps, 01:00 rest
3 15 -- 01:00
3 sets, 20 reps, 01:00 rest
3 20 -- 01:00
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

Muscular endurance can be one of the most overlooked elements of personal fitness. Unfortunately, many people focus on their goals of being more muscular or more defined without making the fundamental changes to the way their body works that will allow them to get there faster. The Muscular Endur... more

Muscular endurance can be one of the most overlooked elements of personal fitness. Unfortunately, many people focus on their goals of being more muscular or more defined without making the fundamental changes to the way their body works that will allow them to get there faster. The Muscular Endurance workout plan is designed to solve this problem.

The Muscular Endurance workout routine is designed to develop one's ability to participate in exercise or athletic activity for long periods of time. This can have a "multiplier" effect of making every workout more efficient, allowing you to reach your fitness goals faster.

There are two types of muscle fibers: "slow twitch" and "fast twitch." Muscular endurance refers to the relative strength and development of "slow twitch" muscle fibers, which are not as strong as "fast twitch" fibers, but fatigue much more slowly. This workout therefore focuses on increasing the resistance ability of your body's "slow twitch" fibers.

Slow twitch fibers are essential to any activity in which muscular effort must be exerted over a long period of time, such as most sports and intense physical activities such as rock climbing and long-distance running. The development of "slow twitch" fibers is also essential for performing cardio over a long period of time, which has obvious implications for weight loss, as well as the development of the muscle strength necessary to truly have a fit, toned body.

The Muscular Endurance workout plan is mainly composed of weeks in which high numbers of repetitions (or "reps") are performed during high numbers of sets. Specifically, to develop muscle endurance, this workout plan recommends that the exercises of which it is comprised be performed in three sets of between 10-15 reps each.

This workout is specifically designed to develop muscular endurance throughout your whole body. Instead of being based on "splits," in which particular muscles are worked no more than once per week, this workout plan is more of a "circuit" plan that exercises most muscles in your body in every workout. This ensures that you develop more muscle endurance in a shorter period of time.

The Muscular Endurance workout plan can also be adjusted depending on one's current workout level. The length of rest periods, as well as the weight per repetition, are meant to be gradually changed as muscular endurance develops further. This makes it a great workout plan to follow regardless of your current fitness level.

If you've been getting out of breath playing street hockey or pick-up basketball with your friends, or if you just want that extra edge that can help you work out harder and longer and reach your fitness goals faster, consider the Muscular Endurance workout routine.

For many people, the development of muscle endurance turns out to be an overlooked element of their fitness program that allows them to make the gains they have been unable to reach with other workout plans. This workout plan can therefore keep you motivated to improve your fitness even more in the future.

Muscular Endurance Swiss Ball & Plank Workout

Notes for Week 1, Day 4

The sets/reps, in the above Muscular Endurance Workout, are scheduled to produce strength but more importantly muscular endurance. In order to obtain this muscular endurance, the sets/reps are constantly rising and are always 3-4 sets and 10-12 reps. This allows for your slow twitch muscle fibers to become accustomed to the weight training and to become stronger for a longer period of time.

For the Beginners, you can incorporate more rest into your workout. Set rest goals and slowly decrease your rest time. Try not to lower the sets/reps as this could alter your weight training results. If you must lower the sets/reps, try to just workout Week #1 for the whole Muscular Endurance Workout Plan.

For the Advanced, you can try and insert more superset exercises for a really intense workout. This workout can be a great workout too help tone your total body. It will also help with your endurance. This will allow you too push yourself harder on your next Advanced Workout.

Try to complete the Muscular Endurance exercises in the shortest time possible. Keep your heart rate high and your muscles moving. Supersets will help with keeping your hear rate high. Make sure your form is perfect and you are isolating the muscles being exercised. Find a weight that you are able to do throughout the whole week and push yourself to the limit for optimal Muscular Endurance. PRO Membership Includes

Online Workout Tracking
Step-By-Step Video Tutorials
Advanced Workout Stats
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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Obliques / Expert
Obliques / Expert
Abs / Intermediate
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

Muscular endurance can be one of the most overlooked elements of personal fitness. Unfortunately, many people focus on their goals of being more muscular or more defined without making the fundamental changes to the way their body works that will allow them to get there faster. The Muscular Endur... more

Muscular endurance can be one of the most overlooked elements of personal fitness. Unfortunately, many people focus on their goals of being more muscular or more defined without making the fundamental changes to the way their body works that will allow them to get there faster. The Muscular Endurance workout plan is designed to solve this problem.

The Muscular Endurance workout routine is designed to develop one's ability to participate in exercise or athletic activity for long periods of time. This can have a "multiplier" effect of making every workout more efficient, allowing you to reach your fitness goals faster.

There are two types of muscle fibers: "slow twitch" and "fast twitch." Muscular endurance refers to the relative strength and development of "slow twitch" muscle fibers, which are not as strong as "fast twitch" fibers, but fatigue much more slowly. This workout therefore focuses on increasing the resistance ability of your body's "slow twitch" fibers.

Slow twitch fibers are essential to any activity in which muscular effort must be exerted over a long period of time, such as most sports and intense physical activities such as rock climbing and long-distance running. The development of "slow twitch" fibers is also essential for performing cardio over a long period of time, which has obvious implications for weight loss, as well as the development of the muscle strength necessary to truly have a fit, toned body.

The Muscular Endurance workout plan is mainly composed of weeks in which high numbers of repetitions (or "reps") are performed during high numbers of sets. Specifically, to develop muscle endurance, this workout plan recommends that the exercises of which it is comprised be performed in three sets of between 10-15 reps each.

This workout is specifically designed to develop muscular endurance throughout your whole body. Instead of being based on "splits," in which particular muscles are worked no more than once per week, this workout plan is more of a "circuit" plan that exercises most muscles in your body in every workout. This ensures that you develop more muscle endurance in a shorter period of time.

The Muscular Endurance workout plan can also be adjusted depending on one's current workout level. The length of rest periods, as well as the weight per repetition, are meant to be gradually changed as muscular endurance develops further. This makes it a great workout plan to follow regardless of your current fitness level.

If you've been getting out of breath playing street hockey or pick-up basketball with your friends, or if you just want that extra edge that can help you work out harder and longer and reach your fitness goals faster, consider the Muscular Endurance workout routine.

For many people, the development of muscle endurance turns out to be an overlooked element of their fitness program that allows them to make the gains they have been unable to reach with other workout plans. This workout plan can therefore keep you motivated to improve your fitness even more in the future.

160 people started this plan

Workout Goals

  • Improve Cardio
  • Get Ripped
  • Gain Strength
  • Lose Weight
  • Get Toned

Equipment Needed

  • Kettlebells
  • Dumbbells
  • Flat Bench
  • Weight Plates
  • Chin-Up Bar
  • Barbell
Show All
Muscular Endurance Workout Plan

160 people started this plan

Workout Goals

  • Improve Cardio
  • Get Ripped
  • Gain Strength
  • Lose Weight
  • Get Toned

Equipment Needed

  • Kettlebells
  • Dumbbells
  • Flat Bench
  • Weight Plates
  • Chin-Up Bar
  • Barbell
Show All