Rugby Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 5 Days per Week / Intermediate

Why Purchase

This plan will provide a balanced training program for rugby players. You will build mass and strength while also making cardio gains to improve agility and explosion. Get ripped and crush on the pitch.

Rugby Workout Plan

Rugby Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 5 Days per Week / Intermediate

Rugby Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 5 Days per Week / Intermediate

Why Purchase

This plan will provide a balanced training program for rugby players. You will build mass and strength while also making cardio gains to improve agility and explosion. Get ripped and crush on the pitch.

  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
  • Day 4
  • Day 5
Rugby Chest & Triceps Workout Plan

Notes for Week 1, Day 1

This Rugby Workout will help you greatly when it comes to your next rugby game! The above reps will help you gain optimal mass. Perform these rugby exercises according to the plan and start tearing up the field!

Rugby Workout Tip: Be sure to isolate the muscles being worked by using the correct amount of weight. Also, try to complete the exercises in the fastest time possible. Remember to stretch for 5-10 minutes after your Rugby Workout. PRO Membership Includes:

Online Workout Tracking
Step-By-Step Video Tutorials
Advanced Workout Stats
Purchase Now!
Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Chest / Beginner
3 sets, 12 reps, 01:00 rest
3 12 -- 01:00
Lats / Intermediate
3 sets, 12 reps, 01:00 rest
3 12 -- 01:00
Chest / Beginner
3 sets, 10 reps, 01:00 rest
3 10 -- 01:00
3 sets, 10 reps, 01:00 rest
3 10 01:00
3 sets, 12 reps, 01:00 rest
3 12 -- 01:00
3 sets, 12 reps, 01:00 rest
3 12 -- 01:00
3 sets, 10 reps, 01:00 rest
3 10 -- 01:00
3 sets, 12 reps, 01:00 rest
3 12 -- 01:00
1 sets, 00:25:00
1 -- 00:25:00 --:--
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

Are you planning on hitting the pitch for a no holds barred rugby match? If you’re training to become a rugby player, give the Rugby Workout Plan a try. Rugby players not only need to be strong, but they also need to be quick and nimble. Through a mix of muscle-carving, weight training, and calor... more

Are you planning on hitting the pitch for a no holds barred rugby match? If you’re training to become a rugby player, give the Rugby Workout Plan a try. Rugby players not only need to be strong, but they also need to be quick and nimble. Through a mix of muscle-carving, weight training, and calorie-burning cardio sessions, the Rugby Workout Plan will have you more than ready for your first game.

You may notice that the Rugby Workout routine is a bit different than most programs in that cardio plays a big role. This will help prepare you for the physical stamina you’ll need to maintain throughout a typical rugby match. Depending on which workout you’re doing, the cardio portions alternate between 25 minutes of running, jogging, walking, and using the elliptical machine.

Whether you’re working out your arms, back, chest, or legs, the weight training sessions are fairly consistent with each other. Each exercise requires three sets of 10-12 repetitions with one minute of rest in between reps. During the Rugby Workout plan, you can expect to perform various presses, raises, extensions, curls, and kickbacks. You will also use a variety of equipment, such as cable machines, weight machines, dumbbells, weight plates, benches, and cardio equipment.

Working your core and abdominals is also a key component to the Rugby Workout Plan. A combination of crunches, twists, and air bicycles help get your core in the right condition for playing rugby.

When completing a rugby training workout, don’t forget to take in a fair amount of lean protein before and immediately after your workout. You should eat protein after your workout because this when your muscles need it the most.

So why not kick your sports training into high gear? Start the Rugby Workout Plan today!

Notes for Week 1, Day 2

This Rugby Workout will help you greatly when it comes to your next rugby game! The above reps will help you gain optimal mass. Perform these rugby exercises according to the plan and start tearing up the field!

Rugby Workout Tip: Be sure to isolate the muscles being worked by using the correct amount of weight. Also, try to complete the exercises in the fastest time possible. Remember to stretch for 5-10 minutes after your Rugby Workout. PRO Membership Includes:

Online Workout Tracking
Step-By-Step Video Tutorials
Advanced Workout Stats
Purchase Now!
Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Quads / Beginner
3 sets, 12 reps, 01:00 rest
3 12 -- 01:00
Quads / Intermediate
3 sets, 12 reps, 01:00 rest
3 12 -- 01:00
Hamstrings / Beginner
3 sets, 10 reps, 01:00 rest
3 10 -- 01:00
3 sets, 12 reps, 01:00 rest
3 12 -- 01:00
3 sets, 12 reps, 01:00 rest
3 12 -- 01:00
3 sets, 10 reps, 01:00 rest
3 10 -- 01:00
1 sets, 00:25:00
1 -- 00:25:00 --:--
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

Are you planning on hitting the pitch for a no holds barred rugby match? If you’re training to become a rugby player, give the Rugby Workout Plan a try. Rugby players not only need to be strong, but they also need to be quick and nimble. Through a mix of muscle-carving, weight training, and calor... more

Are you planning on hitting the pitch for a no holds barred rugby match? If you’re training to become a rugby player, give the Rugby Workout Plan a try. Rugby players not only need to be strong, but they also need to be quick and nimble. Through a mix of muscle-carving, weight training, and calorie-burning cardio sessions, the Rugby Workout Plan will have you more than ready for your first game.

You may notice that the Rugby Workout routine is a bit different than most programs in that cardio plays a big role. This will help prepare you for the physical stamina you’ll need to maintain throughout a typical rugby match. Depending on which workout you’re doing, the cardio portions alternate between 25 minutes of running, jogging, walking, and using the elliptical machine.

Whether you’re working out your arms, back, chest, or legs, the weight training sessions are fairly consistent with each other. Each exercise requires three sets of 10-12 repetitions with one minute of rest in between reps. During the Rugby Workout plan, you can expect to perform various presses, raises, extensions, curls, and kickbacks. You will also use a variety of equipment, such as cable machines, weight machines, dumbbells, weight plates, benches, and cardio equipment.

Working your core and abdominals is also a key component to the Rugby Workout Plan. A combination of crunches, twists, and air bicycles help get your core in the right condition for playing rugby.

When completing a rugby training workout, don’t forget to take in a fair amount of lean protein before and immediately after your workout. You should eat protein after your workout because this when your muscles need it the most.

So why not kick your sports training into high gear? Start the Rugby Workout Plan today!

Notes for Week 1, Day 3

This Rugby Workout will help you greatly when it comes to your next rugby game! The above reps will help you gain optimal mass. Perform these rugby exercises according to the plan and start tearing up the field!

Rugby Workout Tip: Be sure to isolate the muscles being worked by using the correct amount of weight. Also, try to complete the exercises in the fastest time possible. Remember to stretch for 5-10 minutes after your Rugby Workout. PRO Membership Includes:

Online Workout Tracking
Step-By-Step Video Tutorials
Advanced Workout Stats
Purchase Now!
Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Lower Back / Beginner
3 sets, 12 reps, 01:00 rest
3 12 01:00
Lats / Beginner
3 sets, 10 reps, 01:00 rest
3 10 -- 01:00
Middle Back / Intermediate
3 sets, 12 reps, 01:00 rest
3 12 -- 01:00
3 sets, 12 reps, 01:00 rest
3 12 -- 01:00
3 sets, 10 reps, 01:00 rest
3 10 -- 01:00
3 sets, 12 reps, 01:00 rest
3 12 01:00
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

Are you planning on hitting the pitch for a no holds barred rugby match? If you’re training to become a rugby player, give the Rugby Workout Plan a try. Rugby players not only need to be strong, but they also need to be quick and nimble. Through a mix of muscle-carving, weight training, and calor... more

Are you planning on hitting the pitch for a no holds barred rugby match? If you’re training to become a rugby player, give the Rugby Workout Plan a try. Rugby players not only need to be strong, but they also need to be quick and nimble. Through a mix of muscle-carving, weight training, and calorie-burning cardio sessions, the Rugby Workout Plan will have you more than ready for your first game.

You may notice that the Rugby Workout routine is a bit different than most programs in that cardio plays a big role. This will help prepare you for the physical stamina you’ll need to maintain throughout a typical rugby match. Depending on which workout you’re doing, the cardio portions alternate between 25 minutes of running, jogging, walking, and using the elliptical machine.

Whether you’re working out your arms, back, chest, or legs, the weight training sessions are fairly consistent with each other. Each exercise requires three sets of 10-12 repetitions with one minute of rest in between reps. During the Rugby Workout plan, you can expect to perform various presses, raises, extensions, curls, and kickbacks. You will also use a variety of equipment, such as cable machines, weight machines, dumbbells, weight plates, benches, and cardio equipment.

Working your core and abdominals is also a key component to the Rugby Workout Plan. A combination of crunches, twists, and air bicycles help get your core in the right condition for playing rugby.

When completing a rugby training workout, don’t forget to take in a fair amount of lean protein before and immediately after your workout. You should eat protein after your workout because this when your muscles need it the most.

So why not kick your sports training into high gear? Start the Rugby Workout Plan today!

Rugby Biceps & Abs Workout

Notes for Week 1, Day 4

This Rugby Workout will help you greatly when it comes to your next rugby game! The above reps will help you gain optimal mass. Perform these rugby exercises according to the plan and start tearing up the field!

Rugby Workout Tip: Be sure to isolate the muscles being worked by using the correct amount of weight. Also, try to complete the exercises in the fastest time possible. Remember to stretch for 5-10 minutes after your Rugby Workout. PRO Membership Includes:

Online Workout Tracking
Step-By-Step Video Tutorials
Advanced Workout Stats
Purchase Now!
Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Biceps / Beginner
Biceps / Beginner
Biceps / Beginner
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

Are you planning on hitting the pitch for a no holds barred rugby match? If you’re training to become a rugby player, give the Rugby Workout Plan a try. Rugby players not only need to be strong, but they also need to be quick and nimble. Through a mix of muscle-carving, weight training, and calor... more

Are you planning on hitting the pitch for a no holds barred rugby match? If you’re training to become a rugby player, give the Rugby Workout Plan a try. Rugby players not only need to be strong, but they also need to be quick and nimble. Through a mix of muscle-carving, weight training, and calorie-burning cardio sessions, the Rugby Workout Plan will have you more than ready for your first game.

You may notice that the Rugby Workout routine is a bit different than most programs in that cardio plays a big role. This will help prepare you for the physical stamina you’ll need to maintain throughout a typical rugby match. Depending on which workout you’re doing, the cardio portions alternate between 25 minutes of running, jogging, walking, and using the elliptical machine.

Whether you’re working out your arms, back, chest, or legs, the weight training sessions are fairly consistent with each other. Each exercise requires three sets of 10-12 repetitions with one minute of rest in between reps. During the Rugby Workout plan, you can expect to perform various presses, raises, extensions, curls, and kickbacks. You will also use a variety of equipment, such as cable machines, weight machines, dumbbells, weight plates, benches, and cardio equipment.

Working your core and abdominals is also a key component to the Rugby Workout Plan. A combination of crunches, twists, and air bicycles help get your core in the right condition for playing rugby.

When completing a rugby training workout, don’t forget to take in a fair amount of lean protein before and immediately after your workout. You should eat protein after your workout because this when your muscles need it the most.

So why not kick your sports training into high gear? Start the Rugby Workout Plan today!

Rugby Shoulders Workout

Notes for Week 1, Day 5

This Rugby Workout will help you greatly when it comes to your next rugby game! The above reps will help you gain optimal mass. Perform these rugby exercises according to the plan and start tearing up the field!

Rugby Workout Tip: Be sure to isolate the muscles being worked by using the correct amount of weight. Also, try to complete the exercises in the fastest time possible. Remember to stretch for 5-10 minutes after your Rugby Workout. PRO Membership Includes:

Online Workout Tracking
Step-By-Step Video Tutorials
Advanced Workout Stats
Purchase Now!
Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Shoulders / Intermediate
Shoulders / Intermediate
Shoulders / Beginner
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

Are you planning on hitting the pitch for a no holds barred rugby match? If you’re training to become a rugby player, give the Rugby Workout Plan a try. Rugby players not only need to be strong, but they also need to be quick and nimble. Through a mix of muscle-carving, weight training, and calor... more

Are you planning on hitting the pitch for a no holds barred rugby match? If you’re training to become a rugby player, give the Rugby Workout Plan a try. Rugby players not only need to be strong, but they also need to be quick and nimble. Through a mix of muscle-carving, weight training, and calorie-burning cardio sessions, the Rugby Workout Plan will have you more than ready for your first game.

You may notice that the Rugby Workout routine is a bit different than most programs in that cardio plays a big role. This will help prepare you for the physical stamina you’ll need to maintain throughout a typical rugby match. Depending on which workout you’re doing, the cardio portions alternate between 25 minutes of running, jogging, walking, and using the elliptical machine.

Whether you’re working out your arms, back, chest, or legs, the weight training sessions are fairly consistent with each other. Each exercise requires three sets of 10-12 repetitions with one minute of rest in between reps. During the Rugby Workout plan, you can expect to perform various presses, raises, extensions, curls, and kickbacks. You will also use a variety of equipment, such as cable machines, weight machines, dumbbells, weight plates, benches, and cardio equipment.

Working your core and abdominals is also a key component to the Rugby Workout Plan. A combination of crunches, twists, and air bicycles help get your core in the right condition for playing rugby.

When completing a rugby training workout, don’t forget to take in a fair amount of lean protein before and immediately after your workout. You should eat protein after your workout because this when your muscles need it the most.

So why not kick your sports training into high gear? Start the Rugby Workout Plan today!

1,062 people started this plan

Workout Goals

  • Improve Cardio
  • Gain Mass
  • Get Ripped
  • Gain Strength

Equipment Needed

  • Dumbbells
  • Barbell
  • Flat Bench
  • Incline Bench
  • Squat Rack
  • Roman Chair
Show All
Rugby Workout Plan

1,062 people started this plan

Workout Goals

  • Improve Cardio
  • Gain Mass
  • Get Ripped
  • Gain Strength

Equipment Needed

  • Dumbbells
  • Barbell
  • Flat Bench
  • Incline Bench
  • Squat Rack
  • Roman Chair
Show All