Strength Building Women's Beginner Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 3 Days per Week / Beginner

Strength Building Women's Beginner Workout Plan

Strength Building Women's Beginner Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 3 Days per Week / Beginner

Strength Building Women's Beginner Workout Plan

4 Weeks / 3 Days per Week / Beginner

  • Day 1
  • Day 2
  • Day 3
Strength Building Women's Beginner Chest & Arms Workout

Notes for Week 1, Day 1

Before you start any of the strength building women exercises, make sure you properly warm-up and stretch. Then you will follow the women exercises as scheduled. The weeks are arranged for optimal strength building. As you can see, the sets stay the same (2) till Week #3. Then the sets will increase (3) while the reps are the same as the beginning weeks. This will help with strengthening the muscles and providing variation within the Women Workouts.

Aim to complete the women exercises in the shortest time possible and follow the scheduled rest times. Do not incorporate bad form in order to achieve a faster workout. Rather, make sure you are incorporating flawless form and properly isolating the muscles being exercised.

After completing the Strength Building Women's Beginner Workout Plan, make sure you schedule enough time for an adequate cool-down and stretch. Push yourself to the max and stay positive throughout your journey of becoming the ultimate strength building women! PRO Membership Includes

Online Workout Tracking
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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Chest / Beginner
2 sets, 6 reps, 01:00 rest
2 6 -- 01:00
Chest / Beginner
2 sets, 6 reps, 01:00 rest
2 6 -- 01:00
Triceps / Beginner
2 sets, 6 reps, 01:00 rest
2 6 -- 01:00
2 sets, 6 reps, 01:00 rest
2 6 -- 01:00
2 sets, 00:00:30, 01:00 rest
2 00:00:30 01:00
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

If you're a beginner looking for a great Women's Beginner Workout Plan. Then this Strength Building Women's Beginner Workout Plan is perfect for those  ladies who want to lose weight and become leaner. Targeting different muscles with each workout and jogging is a perfect combination for slimming... more

If you're a beginner looking for a great Women's Beginner Workout Plan. Then this Strength Building Women's Beginner Workout Plan is perfect for those  ladies who want to lose weight and become leaner. Targeting different muscles with each workout and jogging is a perfect combination for slimming down while gaining muscle.

This women's workout is perfect for beginning individuals who may have a tight schedule but would love to start exercising.

What Do I Need?

This strength building women's workout is amazing for beginners because all the equipment needed is available at every gym. This workout for women will include dumbbells, a flat bench, a chin-up bar, cable machine, treadmill, exercise mat, and fitness ball.

These materials will help you tone muscle as well as lose fat, and you can also print out the entire workout so there will be no excuses for not following through with this women's workout.

Supplements can also aid in the muscle growth process such as protein powder, vitamins, and fish oil. However, with a good diet, you can still see some amazing results with this workout for women and a good diet. They always say that woman's abs are made in the kitchen!

Time is money!

It's recommended to perform this strength building women's workout three times a week, and each beginner workout can be completed within an hour. This women's exercise allows you to get the most effect for your body in the shortest amount of time possible.


These strength building exercises target different muscle areas so that after following this women's exercise, you'll notice the fat disappearing and your friends will all be asking you for your secret. The first workout targets your muscles and arms while the second workout targets your legs and shoulders.

The third workout hits your lower back, lats, and abs. Each major muscle group will be targeted so your body will firm up as well as slim down.

Is this workout for me?

This Strength building Women's Beginner Workout Plan is right for you because it caters to gaining some muscle while losing fat in unwanted areas.

This workout plan is perfect for any women that want to challenge themselves through exercise, but may not have time on their hands. If you stick to the program, you are guaranteed to improve your cardio, lose fat, and gain muscle!

Strength Building Women's Beginner Legs & Shoulders Workout

Notes for Week 1, Day 2

Before you start any of the strength building women exercises, make sure you properly warm-up and stretch. Then you will follow the women exercises as scheduled. The weeks are arranged for optimal strength building. As you can see, the sets stay the same (2) till Week #3. Then the sets will increase (3) while the reps are the same as the beginning weeks. This will help with strengthening the muscles and providing variation within the Women Workouts.

Aim to complete the women exercises in the shortest time possible and follow the scheduled rest times. Do not incorporate bad form in order to achieve a faster workout. Rather, make sure you are incorporating flawless form and properly isolating the muscles being exercised.

After completing the Strength Building Women's Beginner Workout Plan, make sure you schedule enough time for an adequate cool-down and stretch. Push yourself to the max and stay positive throughout your journey of becoming the ultimate strength building women! PRO Membership Includes

Online Workout Tracking
Step-By-Step Video Tutorials
Advanced Workout Stats
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Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Quads / Beginner
2 sets, 6 reps, 01:00 rest
2 6 -- 01:00
Quads / Beginner
2 sets, 6 reps, 01:00 rest
2 6 01:00
Calves / Beginner
2 sets, 6 reps, 01:00 rest
2 6 -- 01:00
2 sets, 6 reps, 01:00 rest
2 6 -- 01:00
2 sets, 6 reps, 01:00 rest
2 6 -- 01:00
1 sets, 00:10:00
1 -- 00:10:00 --:--
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

If you're a beginner looking for a great Women's Beginner Workout Plan. Then this Strength Building Women's Beginner Workout Plan is perfect for those  ladies who want to lose weight and become leaner. Targeting different muscles with each workout and jogging is a perfect combination for slimming... more

If you're a beginner looking for a great Women's Beginner Workout Plan. Then this Strength Building Women's Beginner Workout Plan is perfect for those  ladies who want to lose weight and become leaner. Targeting different muscles with each workout and jogging is a perfect combination for slimming down while gaining muscle.

This women's workout is perfect for beginning individuals who may have a tight schedule but would love to start exercising.

What Do I Need?

This strength building women's workout is amazing for beginners because all the equipment needed is available at every gym. This workout for women will include dumbbells, a flat bench, a chin-up bar, cable machine, treadmill, exercise mat, and fitness ball.

These materials will help you tone muscle as well as lose fat, and you can also print out the entire workout so there will be no excuses for not following through with this women's workout.

Supplements can also aid in the muscle growth process such as protein powder, vitamins, and fish oil. However, with a good diet, you can still see some amazing results with this workout for women and a good diet. They always say that woman's abs are made in the kitchen!

Time is money!

It's recommended to perform this strength building women's workout three times a week, and each beginner workout can be completed within an hour. This women's exercise allows you to get the most effect for your body in the shortest amount of time possible.


These strength building exercises target different muscle areas so that after following this women's exercise, you'll notice the fat disappearing and your friends will all be asking you for your secret. The first workout targets your muscles and arms while the second workout targets your legs and shoulders.

The third workout hits your lower back, lats, and abs. Each major muscle group will be targeted so your body will firm up as well as slim down.

Is this workout for me?

This Strength building Women's Beginner Workout Plan is right for you because it caters to gaining some muscle while losing fat in unwanted areas.

This workout plan is perfect for any women that want to challenge themselves through exercise, but may not have time on their hands. If you stick to the program, you are guaranteed to improve your cardio, lose fat, and gain muscle!

Strength Building Back & Abs Workout

Notes for Week 1, Day 3

Before you start any of the strength building women exercises, make sure you properly warm-up and stretch. Then you will follow the women exercises as scheduled. The weeks are arranged for optimal strength building. As you can see, the sets stay the same (2) till Week #3. Then the sets will increase (3) while the reps are the same as the beginning weeks. This will help with strengthening the muscles and providing variation within the Women Workouts.

Aim to complete the women exercises in the shortest time possible and follow the scheduled rest times. Do not incorporate bad form in order to achieve a faster workout. Rather, make sure you are incorporating flawless form and properly isolating the muscles being exercised.

After completing the Strength Building Women's Beginner Workout Plan, make sure you schedule enough time for an adequate cool-down and stretch. Push yourself to the max and stay positive throughout your journey of becoming the ultimate strength building women! PRO Membership Includes

Online Workout Tracking
Step-By-Step Video Tutorials
Advanced Workout Stats
Join Today!
Exercise Sets Distance Time Reps Weight Rest
Lats / Beginner
2 sets, 6 reps, 01:00 rest
2 6 -- 01:00
Lats / Intermediate
2 sets, 6 reps, 01:00 rest
2 6 01:00
Lower Back / Beginner
2 sets, 6 reps, 01:00 rest
2 6 01:00
2 sets, 6 reps, 01:00 rest
2 6 01:00
2 sets, 6 reps, 01:00 rest
2 6 01:00
  • normal
  • superset
  • alternate
  • circuit
  • Primary
  • Secondary

Muscles Worked

  • Primary
  • Secondary

Workout Plan Summary

If you're a beginner looking for a great Women's Beginner Workout Plan. Then this Strength Building Women's Beginner Workout Plan is perfect for those  ladies who want to lose weight and become leaner. Targeting different muscles with each workout and jogging is a perfect combination for slimming... more

If you're a beginner looking for a great Women's Beginner Workout Plan. Then this Strength Building Women's Beginner Workout Plan is perfect for those  ladies who want to lose weight and become leaner. Targeting different muscles with each workout and jogging is a perfect combination for slimming down while gaining muscle.

This women's workout is perfect for beginning individuals who may have a tight schedule but would love to start exercising.

What Do I Need?

This strength building women's workout is amazing for beginners because all the equipment needed is available at every gym. This workout for women will include dumbbells, a flat bench, a chin-up bar, cable machine, treadmill, exercise mat, and fitness ball.

These materials will help you tone muscle as well as lose fat, and you can also print out the entire workout so there will be no excuses for not following through with this women's workout.

Supplements can also aid in the muscle growth process such as protein powder, vitamins, and fish oil. However, with a good diet, you can still see some amazing results with this workout for women and a good diet. They always say that woman's abs are made in the kitchen!

Time is money!

It's recommended to perform this strength building women's workout three times a week, and each beginner workout can be completed within an hour. This women's exercise allows you to get the most effect for your body in the shortest amount of time possible.


These strength building exercises target different muscle areas so that after following this women's exercise, you'll notice the fat disappearing and your friends will all be asking you for your secret. The first workout targets your muscles and arms while the second workout targets your legs and shoulders.

The third workout hits your lower back, lats, and abs. Each major muscle group will be targeted so your body will firm up as well as slim down.

Is this workout for me?

This Strength building Women's Beginner Workout Plan is right for you because it caters to gaining some muscle while losing fat in unwanted areas.

This workout plan is perfect for any women that want to challenge themselves through exercise, but may not have time on their hands. If you stick to the program, you are guaranteed to improve your cardio, lose fat, and gain muscle!

243 people started this plan

Workout Goals

  • Improve Cardio
  • Gain Strength
  • Lose Weight
  • Get Toned

Equipment Needed

  • Dumbbells
  • Flat Bench
  • Fitness Ball
  • Exercise Mat
  • Pec Deck
  • Chin-Up Bar
Show All
Strength Building Women's Beginner Workout Plan

243 people started this plan

Workout Goals

  • Improve Cardio
  • Gain Strength
  • Lose Weight
  • Get Toned

Equipment Needed

  • Dumbbells
  • Flat Bench
  • Fitness Ball
  • Exercise Mat
  • Pec Deck
  • Chin-Up Bar
Show All